@Flyers de Philadelphie

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Il y a un an, nous sommes passés de Comcast à [youtube.tv](https://youtube.tv) pour économiser de l’argent. Avant de changer, j’ai confirmé que j’avais NBCSP et que je pouvais regarder n’importe quel jeu que je voulais. Je n’ai pas bougé (j’habite dans le comté du Centre), mais maintenant, on dit que je suis évanoui en raison de mon emplacement. Je paie aussi pour ESPN+ et cela me géoverrouille également. Est-ce que quelque chose a changé avec les régions cette année ? Y a-t-il un moyen pour moi de retrouver l’accès pour regarder les matchs sans payer à nouveau le cul pour Comcast ?



  1. tictacballsack

    I’m an out of market fan (west coast) and I pirated streams for a while. Recently got access to ESPN+ and I’m able to watch NBCSP, almost all their games. Haven’t run into an issue for the past 5 games or so but I don’t know if there are different tiers to pay for

  2. Thursdeh

    Likely an issue with the geolocation that YouTube.tv is seeing. I work for an ISP and sometimes the IPs point towards our Data Centre rather than the customers location. I would try to see in settings or whatnot where it thinks you are. Also make sure no VPN changing your location. We don’t have YouTube.tv in Canada so not sure exactly how it does it’s location lookups. If no luck doing anything manually just try doing a geolookup of your IP and see where it thinks you are. (The lookups aren’t always accurate but if points to your general area you at least know it’s not causing this issue.)

  3. Special_Edz

    I’m in Carbon County and have YouTube TV and I get all the games except the ones on ESPN only (or Hulu?).

  4. relexia1


  5. ihatemyself886

    I’m having the same problem on ESPN+ lately. I used to be able to watch every game, and I haven’t been able to watch the last 3. I’m from NY and the last three games were against NY teams and it still told me the package wasn’t available in my region. Really frustrating considering that I haven’t had a problem watching any game up until now.

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