@Blues de Saint-Louis

Sujet d’après-match : St Louis Blues vs Chicago Blackhawks – 26 novembre 2023

2023020317 La STL gagne, 4 – 2.

[NHL.com Boxscore](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2023020317) LGB Le bot ne peut être aussi correct que ses sources, les sources qu’il utilise sont liées sous chaque tableau. Si vous remarquez une erreur qui n’est pas due à une source incorrecte ou si vous souhaitez suggérer une source [click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=TeroTheTerror&subject=HockeyMod Issue&message=Subreddit:%0A%0AIssue:) pour envoyer un message à TeroTheTerror.



  1. Upon further consideration, I have confirmed that I do in fact dislike the Blackhawks.

  2. STLBooze3

    5 game point streak, 5 goals in his last 5 games.. Jake neighbours is HOT!

  3. dixie12oz

    Won a game we should win despite some sloppy and lazy play particularly in the second. Happy to restore a little cushion in the wild card race, keep it going against a struggling Minnesota team on Tuesday.

  4. themooseiscool

    How is chicago gonna allow for an ad for some place called Binny’s right behind the visitor goal?

  5. STLOliver

    The Chicago Blackhawks:

    A reminder for when you think your team is bad, at least you’re not…


  6. alexgetty

    Anyone have the feed of the post game? I doubt it, but I just wanted to see panger.

  7. jormun8andr

    Did not have Jake Neighbours playing meaningful hockey on the top line this season on my bingo card but I’m happy to see it

  8. warriorathlete21

    Craig Berube got onto that bench, remained professional, and did not commit any inappropriate sexual acts towards any of the players.

    He got the boys going with his honesty and legitimate leadership.

  9. Dark_Tint

    I love Buchy, such an honest straight forward kinda guy.

  10. Did Dickinson score a hattrick last game? I don’t think they mentioned it…

  11. superballz977

    Great game for Binner also. I called Neighbors 2 goal night! This kid is something special. I hope it continues. Not too shabby to rebound from a bad year into a legit contending year. As long as things keep rolling we at least make the playoffs.

  12. Oldwoodguy

    Goalies got a new net front Neighbor that they’d rather it not be Jake. But Buchy and Rob are good with it. 55 has been so dependable too. At this point I’m not even mad about Rouzy anymore. I just feel bad for him. Gotta be so frustrating for him. Especially with Neighbs taking his job with a vengeance. Kyrou needs to do that drill at practice they used to make us when you play without a stick. Helps with puck protection and body positioning. Not to mention using your skates to move the puck. That win made my day. Can’t wait to wear my Buch jersey next week in Vegas look for me on the glass.🤘🙌🏾🚨

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