@Islanders de New York

Cool, nous sommes la définition du milieu

Cool, nous sommes la définition du milieu



  1. SmashYourEnemies02

    Didn’t need a chart to tell me what I already said all summer about this team. But nice to have full confirmation.

  2. Wow, now I know we suck in text and image formate!

  3. karokajoka

    The team worked HARD to make it back to mid.

  4. FriendlySlytherin

    I really can’t wait for people to stop saying “mid.”

  5. FogItNozzel

    Hey look at the bright side, from 1st to Islanders doesn’t mean the whole league this time!

  6. Isurvivedthe80s

    I’m a Blues fan…welcome to the Midlands, friend.

  7. liguy181

    This is a good, honest .500 hockey team. We play .500 hockey goddammit. Salt of the earth, punch the clock, even win/loss ratio hockey. We lose a couple, guess what? We’ll win a couple, too. But don’t get too excited or let it go to your head. No long winning streaks here, no sir. That’s hubris, which this blue collar, hard working everyman team doesn’t have. A few wins in a row, these guys, true to form, will balance it out with a couple a losses. Yes sir, that’s my 2023-24 Islanders. A good, honest .500 hockey team.

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