Réveillez-vous!! Nous affrontons les Kings aujourd’hui à 16h HNE, la dernière équipe que nous avons battue pour la Coupe Stanley, voici un récapitulatif du cinquième match pour votre plus grand plaisir !
Réveillez-vous!! Nous affrontons les Kings aujourd’hui à 16h HNE, la dernière équipe que nous avons battue pour la Coupe Stanley, voici un récapitulatif du cinquième match pour votre plus grand plaisir !
As much fun as reliving their 93 run is, my word, a lot of those goals aren’t going in in today’s NHL…
It’s a shame it’s blacked out on a Saturday.
The fact I can’t watch the Habs on a Saturday is absolutely criminal. This blackout BS needs to be abolished.
A 2 goal night for [Paul DiPietro](https://i.imgur.com/dQ6WgOh.png) who was only **22** when he won the cup wearing #**15**. His biggest OHL points rival? Keith **Primeau**
Carbo owned Gretzky in that series. We aren’t winning that Cup without him. Total dominance.
There’s not point waking up to watch this shit performance. Go back to sleep people.
As much fun as reliving their 93 run is, my word, a lot of those goals aren’t going in in today’s NHL…
It’s a shame it’s blacked out on a Saturday.
The fact I can’t watch the Habs on a Saturday is absolutely criminal. This blackout BS needs to be abolished.
A 2 goal night for [Paul DiPietro](https://i.imgur.com/dQ6WgOh.png) who was only **22** when he won the cup wearing #**15**. His biggest OHL points rival? Keith **Primeau**
Carbo owned Gretzky in that series. We aren’t winning that Cup without him. Total dominance.
There’s not point waking up to watch this shit performance. Go back to sleep people.