@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Quand un commerce en apparence formidable finit par se retourner contre lui….

Au moment où les Blackhawks de Chicago ont échangé leur jeune tireur Alex Debrincat aux Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre seulement quelques choix au repêchage, de nombreuses personnes ont qualifié cet échange de W automatique pour Ottawa et de L pour Chicago, 2 ans plus tard, ce n’était peut-être pas le cas. ! #hockey #nhl #chicagoblackhawks #detroitredwings #ottawasenators #sens #connorbedard #ottawa #nhl24


  1. Had to re-upload due to copyright reasons! What are some other trades/signings that came back to haunt teams you boys can think of!??

  2. Left out of all this is the fact that Cat was 4th on the Sens in scoring last season…after everybody on their top line. Dorion locked a top line winger out of their top line, just six days after trading for DeBrincat, by signing Giroux. Then the injury to Norris left Cat on a line with an inexperienced center and a turnover machine named Batherson. It was a stupid trade by Dorion, knowing he wouldn't have the cap to extend DeBrincat, and having zero idea if DeBrincat even wanted to sign in Ottawa long term. Now the Sens get what they get for having poor management behind the GM desk.

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