@Capitals de Washington

TJ Oshie quitte le jeu après avoir reçu un coup sûr de Mattias Ekholm

Téléchargé par Alyssa Hope Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/c/AlyssaHope Alyssa Hope Twitter : @_alyssa_hope Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. It may not look like it, but I think Ekholm was actually going for the player carrying the puck but Oshie came in between them. If you play it at normal speed, it definitely would seem more likely

  2. I’m not sure why the last bit of years NHL players can’t take hits anymore, there milking it super hard and it’s kind of embarrassing. What happened to taking a hit and getting up after to skate to the bench. Now they all just gotta lay on the ice and put a big show on

  3. Man I hope Oshie recovers from this. Hats off to everyone on the ice who recognized the situation and made sure Oshie got help

  4. I like both of these guys. Either Oshie had the puck and it's a clean hit, or he didn't have the puck and it's interference on Oshie.

  5. Didn’t look too devastating. Must have hit him right on the button. Then again, the Dale Earnhardt crash didn’t look like anything either from the outside.

  6. Oshie is beloved in DC. Plays so hard. His body just can't take the punishment anymore. Both he and Backstrom should retire after this season.

  7. No way it’s a penalty…. They both cut towards each other like two bad dancers and Oshie took all the force. It was a typical clumsy accident on both sides and one guy took all the pain.

  8. this might be the end of his career. he hasn't been himself this year already. the way he fell was really odd, it didn't even seem like a hard hit either. Something is just not right with him

  9. It looks like Oshie ran into Eckholm because his eyes were on the puck. Eckholm didnt see Oshie because his eyes were on the puck carrier. Eckholm finished the check because reflexes.

  10. Accidents happen things are going so fast out there that sometimes people are going to run into each other hard. Though it is a penalty accident or not, not sure if anything was called

  11. It felt like Oshie hit a wall, the way he stopped, no rebound, directly falling on the ice, I hope he is ok now. The other player did nothing wrong , good sports

  12. At 1:37 "there was no puck around Oshie". It just bothers me when announcers outright LIE like that. (The puck was right at Oshie's feet.)

  13. This is a strange one. Oshie kind of ran a interference play here. You can't cut in-between a d man and a puck carrier to stop them making a play on the puck. Honestly this one is on Oshie

  14. He didn’t intentionally try to smash him, or lift him up to injure, he just made contact which should be interference. Ekholm, is just a big guy.

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