@Ducks d'Anaheim

Corey Perry

Je l’ai reçu aujourd’hui (1er maillot Ducks/hockey, super content), et même pas 5 minutes après avoir reçu la notification et je découvre que je représente un prétendu enfoiré.

[https://twitter.com/real\_tonygunk/status/1729247478678171796](https://twitter.com/real_tonygunk/status/1729247478678171796)[https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2023/11/27/wild-rumor-that-corey-perry-left-the-chicago-blackhawks-because-he-banged-connor-bedards-mom-is-definitely-not-true-but-it-is-hilarious/](https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2023/11/27/wild-rumor-that-corey-perry-left-the-chicago-blackhawks-because-he-banged-connor-bedards-mom-is-definitely -pas-vrai-mais-c’est-hilarant/) Toujours très content du maillot, quelle situation hilarante/ridicule cependant. Je suis un nouveau fan, y a-t-il d’autres histoires de Perry qui méritent d’être connues ? J’ai vu des personnes mentionner qu’elles aimeraient voir Perry prendre sa retraite ici. Si on le signe, ça vaut peut-être la peine de le garder loin de la mère de Leo. Allons-y les canards ! https://preview.redd.it/6xb7t1fioz2c1.png?width=1549&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9327de45cfa5033b1aa89fe9f0b8c6b1d849305



  1. The-G-89

    Fuck Chicago and their fans. If Corey Perry did in-fact banged Bedard’s Mom, hang his jersey in the Rafters now!

  2. SevroAuShitTalker

    Perry doesn’t need sloppy bedards, his wife is a smoke show

  3. getzysbaldhead69

    Perry is a legend of the game and there’s almost zero chance this is true

  4. AlarmedPermit5910

    I think Perry is playing the long game, still a Duck for life. 👍💪

  5. violentgentlemen

    No shot that rumor is true. Plus his wife is way hotter any way

  6. Tight_Ad905

    God I hope he did fuck Bedard’s mom. It would somehow make up for him going to the Blackhawks instead of the Ducks. Balance would be restored.

  7. Tight_Airline1499

    It’s obviously not true which means Perry is very much dealing with something real. Hope he’s doing alright and enjoying his actual family. Wishing him the best and glad he doesn’t seem like the type to be on twitter. Excited to rep him at future games!

  8. Unsound_Science

    The twitters or whatever around this topic are amazing

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