@Ligue nationale de hockey

Ryan Hartman suspendu 2 matchs

Ryan Hartman suspendu 2 matchs



  1. l000Voices

    The inconsistencies in applying punishment in this league are insane. He deserves the suspension for this but when another player is out here swinging at heads and only lands a 5k fine? Idk what can be done to sort this out.

  2. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Flashbacks to when he tried to break anderssons wrist last season and didn’t even get a penalty

  3. Pineapple_Express762

    Yet again, Trouba skates? (No pun intended)

  4. DivClassLg

    Definitely more dangerous than a head chop

  5. Best part is the end result of this play was a 2 min penalty for DeBrincat. The ref who was standing right there should be suspended 2 games as well.

  6. Minute_Connection_95

    Frederick got smacked in head from stick and he got 5 thousand fine. League is Turning into a fucking joke

  7. readytogohomenow

    I feel like the NHL just wants to lose fans with this inconsistent BS.

  8. Long_Liv3_Howl3r

    ITT: lots of people that have never been slew footed and had their head bounce off the ice. This is very dangerous. A well deserved two games.

  9. Lunaticfrizz16

    Hoglander’s slew foot and body slam was much worse and he only got 5 a game and a max fine… the NHL is so inconsistent.

  10. Tiger5804

    Yeah that’s fair it isn’t like we were gonna win those games anyway

  11. JimboD84

    No issue with this 2 game suspension. The fact that trouba DIDNT get suspended is fucking bush league

  12. bacon205

    Honestly 3 game wouldn’t have surprised me. No excuse for that level of stupid

  13. Shoulda just hacked DeBrincat in the head with a two-hander. That’s not a suspension.

  14. Yung-Tre

    I like how everyone on the Wild’s bench was looking around expecting a slew foot penalty

  15. postpaintboyy

    Totally aside from the controversy, I love that they’re playing The Stooges over the speakers. Great choice to rep Detroit 🤟🏻

  16. OkTrueTrue

    That’s fair. But Marchand got nothing for a more dangerous slew foot on Liljegren as a repeat offender, causing a serious injury. Everyone knows Parros and player safety have been inconsistent, but this discrepancy is just mind-blowing.

  17. in-dog_we_trust

    Slewfoot is one of the most dangerous plays. Right up there with 2 handed swing of the stick to the head…. Oh wait

  18. JustaRoosterJunkie

    I appreciate Hartman’s sandpaper game, but he just takes it too far. This was dirty, he earned it, glad Debrincat didn’t get injured.

  19. This is a garbage play! I’m a Bruins fan and have seen Marchand do it a few times and I don’t like it! Along the same lines, this is a two game suspension but Trent Frederic was hit in the back of the head with a stick the other night and there wasn’t even a penalty, dude got a fine!!! The consistency among refs in the NHL is brutal!!!!

  20. EasyKaprizy

    I am so damn sick of wild Hockey . This team is trash right now.

  21. How many games did Marchand get for his earlier this year?

  22. Good thing we’ve got a knuckle dragging moron running the DOPS!

  23. iShoot556

    Man I wish we had replay stuff at the lower levels. I got into a pile and my skate got tangled up pretty good with someone stick that also had its other end tangled up with someone else’s skate.

    Somehow I got called for tripping. It wasn’t my stick. I was tripped too. It made no sense and I let the official know what I thought about his call. Got me a 3 period suspension. When I said that was dumb and their system of suspending by periods is dumb… he asked if I was wanting to sit out another period. So I made my way to the locker room and then snuck up top with my parents wearing a hoody and sunglasses.

  24. LivingLifeSomewhere

    So we gonna retroactively suspend Marchand for a season or two ?

  25. bad_wolf_allons-y

    I got a TBI from my head whiplashing like that (I got cross-checked in the throat). Suspension is warranted.

  26. Acceptable_Major4350

    That and low bridging are the worst!

  27. aplasticbeach

    soooooo we just forgetting about marchands much dirtier slew foot on liljegren??? the one into the boards? where the player got injured?

  28. MandogsXL

    Shoulda been more for this typa dangerous shit

  29. I agree with the suspension, wish it was a few more games.

    But can someone explain how this merits suspension while I watched a guy slash someone in the head and only receive a fine. Wish I remembered the details, but I think it was in the last week

  30. Zealousideal-Farm496

    Thats worse than 2 handing a guy in the head apparently

  31. SoFlaSooner

    Two games for an egregious slew foot seems a bit light.

  32. ginandplutonic

    And Marchand, multi repeat offender, gets nothing. Welcome to the NHL.

  33. mudamuckinjedi

    Slew foot’s are such a cheap way to hurt people. Should be 5 make it sting teach cheap shot douch bags like this. Give them something to think about before they commit to the douchery!

  34. trevor22343

    Wild playing like a bunch of talentless goons? Shocked

  35. DangerRanger_21

    Yeah that’s deserved. Slewfoot is so dangerous

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