@Sabres de Buffalo


Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen vient de réaliser L’arrêt de l’année en arrêtant Jimmy Vesey des Rangers de New York avec un incroyable arrêt de pagaie. Nous en parlerons en décomposant le match des Rangers de New York contre les Sabres de Buffalo dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. I think Ukko and Gibson are so underrated in the NHL they’re both such solid tendies

  2. The refs in the rangers vs sabres games were atrocious. I lost my mind at the interference penalty call against the rangers. I think the refs knew they f'd up as they gave the rangers a powerplay afterwards for "cross-checking." Was at the game tonight in MSG and was definitely bummed by the result of the game as a rangers fan. I think the rangers were really only good during the 3rd period and the game could've been close but after the third sabres goal, the rangers gave up. Still had the time of my life during that Zibanejad goal.

    Good video Eck!

  3. oh no Kaapo Kakko is injured, pretty sure they'll do fine without him or most likely someone else take his place and do better.

  4. No offense but you sound biased as fuck, it absolutely should have been a single or day game at least suspension and absolutely should have been a in game penalty. Now I do agree with you on how people react and overreact A bit even if it's an accident it's ALWAYS up to the player to control their fucking stick if they don't that's on them

  5. I really don’t think these saves are great. I understand why people think so, but if you understand goaltending, you understand this is just lucky desperation

  6. almost identical save from Dylan Ernst the other night in the WHL, diving paddle save that kept the Blazers in the game

  7. I didn't see a hand pass on that Rangers goal that was waved off. It looked like the "pass" was off Cuylle's ELBOW or arm, not his hand. There's nothing in the rule book prohibiting that. Game might've been totally different if not for that call (and the ridiculous UPL save), but the Rangers took the night off and didn't deserve to win anyway. Very sloppy trap game after beating up Boston.

  8. an honest fan from the opposition team always gladdens my heart & i was neutral in this 1. nyr looked fatigued & the sabres were at it as a collective. love your vids man, respect.

  9. idk about SAVE OF THE YEAR….. Gibson in *THAT* game against the Pens did a spin and then saved it with his paddle

  10. I know you hate the Devils but at least give Vitek some love. He made an incredible save against Chicago almost exactly like this one.

  11. the new york player did the logical thing, he hit in the middle. he probably assume that the goalie would have the stick in the ice and just put it straight in the middle to not take a gamble and miss the goal and the stick was right in the middle.

  12. I hope he has a big rest of the season just so you have to say Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen several more times.

  13. Idk what this eck guys talking about. When a player on a divisional rival is injured, I indeed celebrate and thank our Lord and Savior, son of the Father, Tim Peel

  14. Fellow Rangers fan… The way I saw the "hand pass" didn't look like it was actually his hand that made the pass. Looked like it went off his forearm/elbow. Don't think it was the right call.

    But, I also don't think that would have made all the difference in the game. Maybe it took the wind out of the guys sails, maybe the wind was never really there to get begin with that game. And losing Kakko is just heartbreaking. Rough game, UPL was the reincarnation of Dominik Hasek and he had Devon Levi's Force Ghost helping him to boot. It's just one game we have to walk off.

  15. Ignorant n00b question – how much of that stick save is luck v. skill? How much is just throwing the stick out there? How much is actually tracking the puck? How much is guessing / anticipating where to put the stick?

  16. so now golden knights and bruins are losing, knights lost to yotes, then the rangers who beat bruins 7-4 or 5 lost 5-1 to sabres..

  17. Ukko pekka luukkonen pulled of a Ryan miller with that beautiful save/rob LETS GOOO BUFFALOOOOOOO

  18. 1. UPL has earned a role as the starter (for now)
    2. The Sabres are so frustratingly inconsistent. How do they go from the NJ game to this?

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