@Coyotes de l'Arizona

RUMEUR – La LNH envisage une approche agressive avec les Coyotes ?

Il y a une rumeur qui circule selon laquelle la LNH envisagerait des actions agressives envers les Coyotes de l’Arizona. Je compare la rumeur aux informations publiques pour discuter de la validité ou non de cette affirmation. c’est une rumeur, et cette vidéo est uniquement destinée à discuter et à spéculer. ce n’est PAS une réclamation légale.


  1. As a Arizona Coyotes fan from New Jersey I hope the Arizona Coyotes will build a brand new arena in either downtown Phoenix or downtown Scottsdale or downtown Mesa for the 2026-27 NHL season in the east valley of the Grand Canyon state without going through another public arena vote at least the 6 sites for the Arizona Coyotes brand new arena to be built in the Arizona desert doesn't require a public arena vote

  2. As a Arizona Coyotes fan from New Jersey I hope the Arizona Coyotes will win the first Stanley cup in either 2024 or 2025 or 2026 or 2027 or 2028 or 2029 or 2030 in the Grand Canyon state and rule the Arizona desert in the east valley of the sun but they'll never win the first Stanley cup in Houston Texas during the inaugural season as a Houston NHL team in Toyota Center Let's Go Coyotes build the brand new arena in the east valley of the Grand Canyon state, win the first Stanley cup in the Arizona desert, put the relocation rumors to rest, and knock Houston right off the map even though Phoenix is rooting for you to stay in the Grand Canyon state forever don't worry Arizona Coyotes fans I got your back keep on praying for the brand new arena, and the first Stanley cup in the Arizona desert but for Houston sports fans dream on all you want I'm counting on you Arizona, I'm howling for you Coyotes, I believe in you Arizona, I'm praying for you Coyotes, and I❤you Arizona Coyotes always and forever with all my❤

  3. I'm not buying this rumor. If the league was truly sick of this they would've sent the yotes packing year ago.

  4. cant fill 5000 seats, why stay? this has been failing for decades at this point. go to quebec.

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