@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

C’était un spectacle de merde absolu

Nous devons parler du match insensé des Sénateurs d’Ottawa et des Panthers de la Floride hier soir. Nous détaillerons cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Hamonic should okay as he was already on the ice, and the guy he was going to change with never left the bench.

  2. I heard about it on the radio news here in New Zealand, and immediately I said to my friend in the car with me – "I'll bet one of the Tkachuk's started that – they both take after their father – dirty, chippy and stupid!!" Sure enough, got home and saw this video, and what do we see?? Exactly what I predicted! Which one do I like?? NEITHER – they're both idiots! Thank Christ they're not Canadians!

  3. I watched the game with my cousin ( we have no dog in this fight) we just laughed the whole time

  4. Don't even know who is most honest an impartial these days: the US Supreme Court or the Situation Room in Toronto. They're both so shady.

  5. I was hoping the Sens would actually make the playoffs this season, but they are a mess. Been expecting a coaching change for a while now.

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