@Wild du Minnesota

Entretien de Dean Evason : comment les tirs de Wild se sont déroulés, pourquoi il est prêt à passer à autre chose – « Pourquoi ai-je besoin de congé ? »

> Gaudreau s’est senti incroyablement coupable de sa saison sans but et a envoyé un texto à Evason : « J’ai besoin de te voir. » Evason a répondu : « Gauds, non, je vais bien. » Gaudreau a répondu : « Mais je ne le suis pas. » Evason lui a assuré qu’il irait bien et qu’il se concentrerait sur le prochain match. Evason était donc ravi de voir Gaudreau marquer le but vainqueur lors du premier match de son nouvel entraîneur. > Je pense que la blessure de Kaprizov lui a fait perdre beaucoup de temps. Il revient et joue deux matchs, puis les séries éliminatoires, et il est toujours en mode récupération. Il l’a fait revoir cette année. Je ne veux pas révéler de secrets, mais c’est une blessure difficile à guérir. Est-ce que cela a affecté sa capacité à avoir le rythme ? Oui, à 100 pour cent. Je le crois. Kirill Kaprizov s’essaye. Il n’a tout simplement pas trouvé le rythme de patinage auquel nous sommes habitués. > Je n’ai pas besoin de congés. Pourquoi ai-je besoin de congés ? Je n’ai pas besoin de traiter cette situation. C’est fini. Je me trouve maintenant dans une position où j’ai des choses à régler personnellement, comme mon appartement et des choses comme ça, que je n’apprécie pas vraiment. Mais dois-je faire mon deuil ? Non, je dois y revenir. Je ne me suis pas réveillé hier en pensant que j’étais un entraîneur merdique. Je me suis réveillé hier en pensant que j’étais un putain de bon entraîneur. Je peux coacher. Je suis prêt à entraîner. J’espère avoir une autre situation à entraîner, et j’espère que ce sera dans cette ligue. > Eriksson Ek est de loin le joueur le plus important de cette équipe. Je l’ai observé hier soir. Vous n’obtenez pas cette appréciation lorsque vous êtes assis sur votre canapé à regarder ce type. C’est un cheval absolu, un guerrier absolu. Il est tout simplement incroyable.



  1. NorthernPuck

    Definitely hoping Hynes does well, but I personally thinking firing Dean will have been a mistake in the longer-term. I understand why Billy did it, since it’s not the first time in the NHL this has happened where a coach gets fired in such situations, but I think Dean was/is a good coach and it’s really not on him that the team hasn’t played well so far this season. I know that goes against the thinking of a lot of hockey experts in this sub the last however long.

    I hope he has success wherever he lands! Will definitely be rooting for him.

  2. This is a really good look at Dean. I’m glad it seems lime he’s handling it well. I’m one of the folks who advocated for a coaching change, but I don’t think Dean was a bad coach. He’s just not what the Wild needed in the moment. Hope he finds something good in his next gig.

  3. godmodium

    Dean confirming Kaprizov’s injury is holding him back this year is not something I expected to read. Typically they are a little more tight lipped about that.

    Also Eriksson Ek being so banged up at the end of every year makes me think the team should find some way to manage his ice time better at the end of the year. I know people hate when star players sit but if he can avoid injury before the playoffs that would be way better than what we have had to deal with the last few years.

  4. cantbelievethename

    Such a solid guy and what a great attitude. I’m not surprised he would’ve gone down with Woods. Wish the team could’ve woken up in time but I’m glad Dean is going to be enjoying himself before the next job.

  5. PortugueseWalrus

    The bit about Freddy and Dean speaks volumes about Dean the person. Not many coaches have that kind of rapport with a player.

    It really is a shame. I feel sick after reading that. As much as we treat this like entertainment, this is people’s lives and dreams in the balance. First-world dreams and lives, you might say, but it still has to hurt an awful lot. What a meatgrinder of a profession.

  6. NoJooooe

    Couldn’t agree more about Ek. Well said.

  7. MNgirl83

    Damn! Why did you have to post this?!? Cause now I am sobbing…

    There is a lot of insight in this article about the players and where they are at. I mean we already knew that about Ek. We were suspecting a lot was going on with Kaprizov…and now it has kinda been confirmed.

    I really hope Voldemort is going to foster this team or else my scary mama bear will come out. And when she comes out…it is very difficult to get her back into hibernation.

  8. IM_V_CATS

    Dean’s apartment is in the building I lived in when I was in downtown Saint Paul and I randomly ran into him one night. He was a lot friendlier in person than he ever seemed on TV. I’m sure it’s mostly his game face, but it still took me back a bit and it makes it way easier to see where Freddy is coming from. Definitely the highlight of my time there.

  9. Panarin10

    This could end up being the best thing for Dean. He made the playoffs every season he was in charge. He’ll be able to do more with a team that doesn’t have huge dead cap hits.

  10. stumpybubba-

    Fuck colonel dickhead. I hold both him and Billy G. get sacked.

    Would really love to see Dean get ahead position somewhere else and come back and kick our ass this season. And then challenge Dickhead to a fight.

  11. _BeerAndCheese_

    Lot of people were here saying « Dean lost the room », which is opposite of everything we’ve been told. « But they looked so down after losing to Detroit! »

    I guarantee you the team knew they had to win or Dean would be fired. I bet that was implied to some degree when BG had his meeting with them. That’s why they’ve looked so glum. They got their coach fired and they know it, and they all seemed to really fuckin love Dean.

    I hope he gets hired somewhere and he gives them some of their best seasons like he did with us. The org and the fans did Dean so fucking dirty, makes me sick. The fact that BG didn’t even bother to do interview process or anything, seems disrespectful as well as short-sighted. It’s like he had his own little buddy waiting in the wings that he couldn’t wait to get rid of Dean.

    If Hynes doesn’t pan out, and I’m going to be honest here, I feel there’s very little chance long-term he does. BG’s ass has to be on the hot-seat.

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