@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Lance Hornby] Keefe a déclaré que sa diatribe de mardi était dirigée contre Bertuzzi

[Lance Hornby] Keefe a déclaré que sa diatribe de mardi était dirigée contre Bertuzzi



  1. Ok-Platform-6933

    Keefe has never publicly once yelled at any of the leafs top players like this in his entire tenure. Yet he does it not even halfway through the first season with Bertuzzi. I really don’t like that he clarified this in public either.

  2. VanAgain

    I don’t think anyone who saw it had much doubt who it was aimed at.

  3. Redragontoughstreet

    Being the whipping boy isn’t easy at first. But you get used to it.

  4. RattledRed

    Oh really? Couldnt tell with keefe basicly biteing Berts ear off.


  5. Nyshot4par

    I’m pretty sure Bert tuned out Keefe on Day 1.

  6. DarkAgeMonks

    Bert is out of here. This coach gave him the Babcock treatment for some reason.

  7. Totes_mc0tes

    Bertuzzi has to be the most frustrating signing this year. This is the best opportunity he could possibly have to make the most money he’ll ever see yet he looks like he doesn’t give a shit

  8. Due_Wolverine8910

    Bert doesn’t seem to have the edge and fire he had last year and he’s probably dragging down the second line cuz apart from Willy, that line does not dominate whatsoever. Man just floats around the ice

  9. Laughingboy68

    I know what he was yelling about. We all yell at the screen (I don’t think it’s just me) every time they follow up a goal with a lacklustre shift or don’t start on time or get scored on in the last minute of a period.

    That being said, Bert has played so much better in the last half dozen games, it surprised me that Sheldon went off on him like this. I think Bert may have been the object of Keefe’s frustration in the moment, but was also standing in for a few players that he can’t yell at with quite so much gusto. Well, at least not and keep his job.

  10. correct_eye_is

    Incoming moonwalk tomorrow. Oh wait Bertuzzi isn’t the core 4, carry on!

  11. resentfulvirgin

    Tyler Bertuzzi leads the Leafs in Fenwick%, Corsi%, and Shots-for%. He is only below Bobby McMann (27 minutes played), and Simon Benoit (84 minutes) in goals-for percentage, and only behind Benoit in xGF%. He has a low shooting percentage and a shockingly low individual point percentage, and he’s been tossed onto the fourth line just because Keefe was in a mood, and doesn’t play on the top powerplay, and he’s still on pace for 20 goals. Idk what more Keefe wants. I’m pretty skeptical of Treliving in general, but you know, Bertuzzi and Domi have been pretty fine. Keefe’s arbitrary beefs already cost us good players in Engvall and Sandin. Really excited for three days after Christmas when he gets fired.

  12. pattydee43

    Thanks for clearing that one up, Sheldon

  13. DangleCellySave

    Do people in here not know different players respond to different forms of coaching..?

    “Why doesn’t he do this to Marner or Mathews”

    Because they obviously don’t respond well to it..?


    He’s obviously too scared to lose it at the “stars” and had to come out and say he yells at everyone “behind the scenes”. It’s such a joke you have 3 overpaid superstars and you’re yelling at a role player.

  15. Swa9Dra9on

    Ground breaking journalism from Lance here. Bravo 👏

  16. burningxmaslogs

    Bert gonna get tinnitus from all the yelling by Keefe. Hopefully his pension plan will buy him hearing aids when he retires

  17. All the yelling in the world won’t help Bert stay on his skates. I wish his brain would catch up to his feet sometimes. I’m starting to like him, but he is a little over zealous.

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