@Sabres de Buffalo

Sujet d’après-match : Buffalo Sabres contre St Louis Blues – 30 novembre 2023

2023020348 BUF perd, 4 – 6 .

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  1. Icommentoncrap

    Frustrating game but November is finally over. Had way too many chances and gave up on UPL way too many times. Gotta be there on the start and cant start all games down 3

  2. Do they know they’re allowed to win more than 1 in a row?

  3. YoungTroubadour

    Bizzaro game.

    I’d really like to see more of Greenway and Krebs together.

  4. Only the Sabres can allow a team playing like shit all game to literally have half their 5v5 shots be top tier scoring chances right on top of the goalie: [https://www.naturalstattrick.com/heatmaps/games/20232024/20232024-20348-5v5.png](https://www.naturalstattrick.com/heatmaps/games/20232024/20232024-20348-5v5.png)

    The Blues could barely move the puck all game or do anything meaningful and YET the Sabres just gave them free access to prime scoring chances on the few opportunities they did generate. By comparison the Sabres didn’t get a single shot 5v5 closer than all the shit they gave up for free to the Blues.

  5. SuperStudMufin

    I have such little hope in us making the playoffs this year. They can’t seem to get into a groove to save their lives.

  6. adolce95

    People who didn’t watch or don’t know what they’re watching are gonna think they got blown out but they worked hard all night and deserved a better result. Give that effort and you’ll win most nights, hell they played 3:30 with an empty net and didn’t give up a goal. That’s insane. Not happy with the result but still encouraging signs. Go win Saturday

  7. Son_Of_The_Empire

    Every goalie puts up a stinker on occasion, i just reeeeeeeeeeally wish it was the guy at the other end of the ice doing it tonight

  8. HilmDave

    Another one lost in the first ten minutes.

  9. deGrominator2019

    I’m about fucking done. I’ve had it, this fucking team. See y’all next game

  10. CaresAboutYou

    Honestly I had so much fucking fun watching this game, it was a blast. I’m also pretty encouraged because we generated a lot of really high quality sustained offense, and if we cut down on the egregious turnovers we should be in alright shape.

    Seriously we had some really really egregious turnovers tonight.

  11. Glioss88

    It’s ok we can get younger next year. Also faceoffs don’t matter as I’ve heard on the radio

  12. StalinsStallions

    Felt like the blues could score on any scoring chance they got. Also this game felt like unlimited zone time but no rush chances

  13. Still_Consequence_60

    Everytime they show the bench right before puck drop, there’s a series of players snorting smelling salts. And everytime I see this they come out flat. Happened tonight and in New Jersey. Guys just be professional and be ready to play, you don’t need the salts, be like Paul Gaustad, double park your luxury car Infront of Cafe Aroma blocking Elmwood, get your tall coffee and get ready to play.

  14. Shoddy-Nebula7287

    Getting goalied by Jordan binnington is brutal

  15. SocialSnizassin

    This team just isn’t ready to play. That results in not being sharp out there.

  16. AdMaleficent9374

    This team only wins when I am in absolute disgust mode with a resting bitch face. I knew they were gonna lose when I felt the childish excitement in my heart before the game started

  17. downingrust12


  18. Legitimate_Sand_889

    We suck at scoring on breakaways

  19. edit-the-sad-parts

    back below .500, so next game will be a 4-2 win where we get outshot by 20 because why would anything with this team make sense

  20. stupidtyonparade

    45 shots to 20. Lost by 2 goals, gave up 6. Insane.

  21. kevboyyyy

    What about the compete level? Was the compete level high? Did the players at least have a high compete level? Who had a high compete level? Did we out-compete them? We have to have a high compete level.

  22. soggyslices

    I didn’t think they played bad. There’s just hiccups that costs goals. It’s like they can’t make one mistake. Dahlin is great.

  23. Sonny_Zwack

    What are the chances Benson goes to Sweden?
    I’d be cool if they let him go play and give Kulich/Rosen/Biro extended looks but I think *they think* they need him.
    On the one hand: gets to play for his country. On the other: what more does he need to learn / can he really improve from it?

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