@Flyers de Philadelphie

C’était un appel absolument honteux

L’arbitrage a été suspect toute l’année, c’est sûr. Mais lors du match de ce soir à Philadelphie entre les Flyers de Philadelphie et les Devils du New Jersey, nous avons probablement eu la pire décision à ce jour ! Après un coup de sifflet terriblement tardif sur un jeu de dégagement, Luke Hughes a été écrasé par Garnet Hathaway dans la bande. C’était une séquence complètement évitable si le juge de ligne avait juste sifflé à temps, mais au lieu de cela, cela a abouti à un coup dangereux sur Hughes. Pour aggraver les choses, Hathaway s’est vu infliger une pénalité majeure de 5 minutes et une inconduite de match. Je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #philadelphiaflyers #newjerseydevils


  1. Well, philly player knew thats gonna be icing (late whistle or not).. cheap hit with intention to hurt. Every tackle has conciguences, you need to be responsible for taking 'bad' ones. Great call afterwards, bravo

  2. Doesn't help that the second NJ player actually gives the PHI player that hit Hughes a little shove, accelerating the PHI a little, which only made the hit worse. But yeah, that whistle should've been blown way earlier. The rule was put in place to prevent the frequent injuries of players getting hit and slamming into those end boards, it's a major fail by the linesmen.

    Their have some big blown calls this year. Another big one was the beyond obvious thrown stick to deflect a pass in a Red Wing game that prevented what would have been a slam dunk 1 timer into the net. Thrown stick, or any piece of equipment, according to the NHL rules is an automatic penalty shot, whether it interferes with play or not. And that call can be made by any of the 4 wearing black and white stripes on the ice. This missed call essentially took a goal away from the Wings in a tightly contested game. Only reason I rank this one higher is because any of the 4 on the ice could make the call whereas this NJ/PHI play can only be called by linesmen.

  3. I totally agree with your assessment! But refs are human and I have never meet a perfect human being!!! They are going to make mistakes. But they shouldn’t compound their mistakes with that call!!!

  4. This was entirely the linesman's fault. The only argument I'd make is: we expect players to play through the whistle, but maybe there are situations like this where they don't, or they shouldn't. In football, there's a rule where you're not allowed to hit a "defenseless" receiver. NJ has been on the receiving end of several hits this year that fit a similar description, but are considered clean hits. The Trouba hit on Nasek, for example. Luke let up on this play, expecting the whistle. Maybe Hathaway should have too? It's expecting a lot, I know.

  5. I don’t like the Flyers and I don’t like Hathaway, but that is a terrible penalty call. As pointed out, the whistle was way late and Hathaway just did what he should do if there’s no icing on the play. Shouldn’t even have been a minor penalty.

  6. Such a great video and a perfect breakdown. Diehard Devils fan here and I was livid with the hit initially, but didn't realize they blew the whistle late until your video. You're absolutely right. No chance a suspension will be issued and it shouldn't be issued. That late whistle could have also put a key player for the Devils out for a long time as well. When they reviewed it, why not own up to the mistake and make it a minor penalty? Throwing someone out for your mistake is just plain bad.

  7. Pretty standard for this season. Guys like Torts aren't going to last much longer in this league. They're all going to have heart attacks. Anyone who thinks the refs should be held accountable for shitty performance is going to have an aneurism. Its really brutal, so much so that for the 1st time in about 40 years, I'm not watching NHL hockey this season. NCAA has been far more satisfying to watch. You guys should try it.

  8. The late whistle was DEF the bad call, but if you watch the hit, it's a clear case of boarding and IMO the hit was kinda high making it a dangerous hit. Yes Luke should have braced for the impact but still. Personally I think this should be reviewed by player safety, but that is just me. On the flipside, I agree with Player safety looking at the smith slash, it was sus (And this coming from a die hard Devils fan)

  9. Icing call was late/blown but boarding is independent of whether there is a whistle or not. We’re it not icing, it could still be boarding.

  10. Does this get an "OFF THE FLOOR! ON THE BOARD!" reference, or is that still too soon? Asking for Ducks fans.

  11. This is 100% the linesman’s fault and should be disciplined…but that doesn’t happen unless they’re caught on a hot mic.

  12. Devils fan here: This was a clean hit UNLESS the linesman was already calling out "ICING!", but I don't hear it on the replay. The guy just forgot to blow his whistle?

    Was it a major? No way.

    Here's an example of a young, inexperienced kid not remembering to be prepared for contact. Hate to say it, but these younger players are not being taught to protect themselves but to rather depend upon the officials to do so. You see the same thing happen when a guy gets drilled in the back against the boards to because he's been taught "protect the puck" with his body.

  13. 1. Ref blew it late and screwed up
    2. Hit wad clean
    3. Horrible call on a 5min boarding
    4. Luke Hughes needs to protect himself. Just assumed the play was dead and gave up and it's why he's now injured.

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