@Avalanche du Colorado

Nous avons quelques problèmes de ligne bleue. Byram doit revenir aux niveaux de 21/22 et Manson doit juste ne pas être perdu à chaque jeu.

Nous avons quelques problèmes de ligne bleue. Byram doit revenir aux niveaux de 21/22 et Manson doit juste ne pas être perdu à chaque jeu.



  1. xHelpDesk

    +/- stats aren’t great at determining play.

    That being said, this is what you’d expect when you get shutout with multi-goals in 3 out of 4 games.

    Things are trending up though, this team isn’t going to get shutout in a stretch like that again. Manson’s doing better, Girard is out (of the game) to get better, and Bo… is kinda rough with the discipline. I think it’s okay, right now, but as the season progresses, these should improve.

  2. soulknife20

    Also, Manson beat the crap out of O’Brian last night, so he’s got some leeway

  3. Talinn_Makaren

    Here are my medium temperature takes.

    I feel bad for saying this because players health is more important than anything but I think if Sammy G was playing with that monkey on his back he’s going to be better when he returns.

    I think Manson is age. Good but not great players in their 30s start to lose a step. He’s serviceable and that’s all we can expect.

    Byram will be a great player he’s just still very young. He had a breakout in the playoffs two years ago that set unrealistic expectations. I feel like we know what he’ll develop into given time.

    Oh and JJ, the man, the myth, the legend, just keeps on grinding out decent performance. Johnsons just love playing here I guess.

  4. NeutrinoPanda

    Bo’s been playing off hand for a lot of minutes – I have to think that’s contributing to some of mistakes and penalties.

  5. Better they work out the kinks now and can build up enough of a standings lead to be ready for the playoffs.

  6. robotstu

    Yes we have a problem. We have a second and third line instead of 3 first lines. Just like all teams do. Bo is a great player. He is young and makes some mistakes but he is a great player. I would not trade our 3 lines for any other teams blue lines right now.

  7. papatangu

    As a card carrying bosexual I have been kind of flummoxed watching his play this year. I don’t really know how to explain what I’m seeing but it’s frustrating as hell more often than not.

  8. shwysdrf

    I think Bo needs to stop trying to be Makar. Focus on being responsible defensively and limiting mistakes. With that shot of his, the offense will come along eventually. That being said, I got back and forth on whether the Avs should try to lock him up while his production is low, or trade him for a big haul while he still has his name value and draft pedigree.

  9. BillyNoMates12

    I feel as though some of you aren’t empathetic at all and have zero patience with this team

    So many fans of this team begged and pleaded to have Girard traded and it got so out of hand it caused him anxiety and depression

    Manson lost his mother before the season. That’s gotta be weighing heavily on him

    Byram is 21 years old. He’s gunna make mistakes. If you expect him to play like Bourque of Foote at this age you’re gonna be disappointed. Give him time to grow

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much complaining about a team that is number 1 in their division and 2 in their conference

  10. cmdr_data22

    Our guy Bo is getting too many penalties. I have no doubt he’ll clean it up. He’s very passionate for the game and wants to do better. I think the entire team is headed in the right direction.

  11. AVgreencup

    Jack Johnson has been a pleasure to watch this year, the dude is showing defensive skills on par with the top D line.

  12. stoneman9284

    I still think that big Manson contract is the dumbest thing the Avs have done since I moved to Colorado in 2016

  13. -cyg-nus-

    And there’s JJ, out there overperformjng and welcoming Cooleys to the league

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