@Blackhawks de Chicago

Bédard vient de répondre aux rumeurs…

Connor Bedard vient de répondre aux rumeurs ridicules entourant le licenciement de Corey Perry des Blackhawks de Chicago – nous en discuterons et plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui


  1. Asking the question in a way that allows the kid to tell everyone to shut up about it… not a bad move. Until he said something, people would always wonder if there was some shred of truth to it.

  2. prett lame “joke” if you ask me. dragging ANYONES family into something crosses the line. hockeys a sport of respect.

  3. This is what happens in a world with pedophile islands. People will believe anything and everything because the most outlandish conspiracy theory in the history or conspiracy theories was proven to be true. Because we live in this world, there's clout in believing crazy shit and being proven right, so people just will believe anything.

  4. How stupid are these press to not know the proper etiquette when dealing with a false rumor. That press person is an idiot to ask dump question. Everybody know is a false, malicious rumor with the intend to hurt Connor and his family to throw him off his game.

  5. Men are the worst gossipers ! I swear plus add to that the hockey mentality …ya know guys come on 🤦🏼‍♀️. If you crap on me for saying this..a lifelong fan and player just because I’m female…says it all .the Misogyny is brutal. Oh I’m straight as an arrow. I’m also an Army Veteran..18 years. It sure as heck wasn’t a bunch of chicks that started this horse 💩!

  6. I can’t say I believed the rumour, but at the same time I thought if it was true how awful it must be for Connor/how could his family do that etc I’m relieved that it’s been dealt with as an issue/bump in the road and Connor isn’t going to have to deal with it much moving forward.

  7. Bro if I was in bedard’s place answering that question the tact would not be there like he shows. It’s terrible that people will go after his mom like that.

  8. There was zero need for the question to be asked. We've know for a couple days already that it had nothing to do with him or his family, the press conference confirmed. There is zero reason to ask him about it. It's bad enough he and his mom got dragged into this drama. Just leave him alone and let him play hockey and ask him about that.

  9. Nobody with brains took this seriously. The obvious product of teens that still think Mom jokes are funny. The reporting on it as a “rumour” gave it legs. Abysmal media & social media behaviour all around.

  10. A large majority of the hockey fanbase cannot be taken seriously on social media. Constant hating, switching up on themselves, and taking jokes too far.

  11. I was thinking last night: they should have a bouncer in the room with a sign that says “if you mention the Perry rumors, prepare to be pummeled”
    And no I’m not being serious, just a funny hypothetical.

  12. Feel bad for the guy, can't be easy mentally. I hated that like half of the insta comments lately have been people spreading it cause its so obviously false. Hopefully he'll be back to his game 100% soon cause he's so fun to watch

  13. I can't believe a professional journalist actually asked this question out loud. Fuck that. What an asshole.

  14. I was really hoping for the second cumming of the Bedard legacy. It’s hard not to imagine that. Either way, glad Bedard can really put these rumors to bed

  15. Damn dude, you went from short and sweet hockey videos with fairly good takes to just low hanging fruit for clickbait. Just my opinion obviously but previous years have been much better.

  16. Here's why he should never have been asked about it: HE isn't actually the injured party here. His mother is and she is in no way a public figure. This whole thing is part of what makes being a female sports fan really hard sometimes – the women in the lives of athletes don't get treated as human beings by the media & the public.

  17. if it was really a joke the nhl wouldnt have acted so harshly on Perry. Drugs and Alcohol? thats a coverup because who gives a shit if he drinks and smokes. is he taking trt? steroids? no? then idc and he shouldnt bee punished.

  18. Honestly this kid is all class, on top of being a PPG player at 18. I'm way more impressed than I thought I would be.

  19. Ive just started following hockey and I think the most ridiculous thing is the reporters, from specters piece on Woodcroft to this it just seems people want clicks, not actually reporting

  20. My guess is Perry did something like a drunken phone call. Best not to call the boss when the bourbon has been flowing. There has been no talk of anything criminal, it’s got to be something like that.

  21. I think if the blackhawks were just open about what happened off the bat instead of trying to protect perrys privacy then their star draft picks mother wouldnt have been dragged into this dog fuckery lmao I feel so bad for this dude

  22. Dude it's fucking bonkers that "news" outlets are egging on rumours like this. Fucking people need to get a job instead of pretending to be journalists.

  23. 0:18 How is it OBVIOUS that it's a joke?
    We live in a world where Evander Kane allegedly discarded his wife (and baby) for an Instagram model
    Mike Ribeiro allegedly kanoodled with the babysitter
    Ruslan Fedotenko allegedly kanoodled with (and eventually married!) his billet mom while playing junior hockey in North America

  24. When I would be Bedard, I would reply to retarded media: "You have to ask Mr. Perry if she was good or not."

  25. Whoever in the media that asked that stupid ass question should be looking for a new job rn. Bc contributing to the spread of blatantly flase rumors is bad journalism on so many levels.

  26. This is so disgusting by the fans. Bedard must be disgusted with his first league impressions.

  27. It's not a joke – it's just bullshit reporting. If it's a joke, what's the funny part? Way too much BS on the internet because there is no accountability.

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