@Canadiens de Montréal

[Friolet] Caufield-Suzuki-Monahan, Slafkovsky au 6e rang, Stephens 4e ligne C

Comme D’Amico l’a mentionné, cela envoie-t-il vraiment un bon message si vous laissez Gallagher et Anderson obtenir des minutes de premier ordre dans le top 6 tout en rétrogradant Slaf alors qu’il est au milieu de la meilleure séquence de sa carrière jusqu’à présent ? Je n’aime pas ça, mais je ne suis pas entraîneur. Faites confiance à Marty



  1. TooPlaid

    I’m honestly okay w this if it keeps Slaf away from Anderson and Dvorak. 3rd line will prob get similar TOI to 2nd, Evans works hard and has sneaky hands, Pearson goes to the net. Could work out

  2. burgrluv

    Slaf in for Anderson and I wouldn’t hate this.

  3. Blazky821

    This is fucking rough just play Cole Suzuki Slaf together and put something together with other lines…

  4. Oh man that sucks for Slaf, he was doing pretty well point wise and now he most likely wont produce for a while. On the bright side, he still has a chance to produce a tiny bit since he’s not with Anderson.

  5. lhommebonhomme

    I’d do

    With lines like these, maybe I’d watch the game.

  6. juliusceasarsalads

    Really don’t like how often Slafkovsky takes a back seat to other priorities with this team. I get it, Marty needs to at least try to win games and the Newhook injury created a really rough situation. But Slaf has been playing his best hockey as of late and has been developing good chemistry with another key piece of our core, and has demonstrated that he plays better when he gets more minutes. So naturally the answer is to give him worse line mates and probably less time on ice?? Idk, I don’t like it one bit. He’s still pretty raw, I’m not sure he can carry a line on his own yet, especially if he’ll be playing with Evans and Pearson. I guess we’ll see but I’m skeptical of this decision, not sure that Slaf playing bottom 6 minutes now will help make him a better top 6 player in 4 years time.

  7. Professional_Mode804

    Rewarding Slaf’s form with reduced toi is certainly a decision

  8. uchihastar

    Why not get ylonen a chance in the top 9?

  9. Gallagher-Dvo-Anderdon will henceforth be known as the « please trade for these guys » line

  10. Marchedbee2042

    While I would prefer to see Slaf with Nick and Cole, I’m happy that Monahan is getting good player to play with. As for Slaf, I will wait and see and much time/opportunity he get tonight before judging if putting him on the third line was really a demotion or not since Pearson/Evans is not that different from Gallagher/Dvorak.

  11. Did Ylonen shit on Marty’s lawn or something?

  12. antoinePucket

    Good news is that we finally assembled a true first line !

    Bad news is that we can’t really expect anything from the other 3 lines.

  13. Im_Sorry_93

    Is this the beginning of « Marty becomes a vilain » arc ?

  14. Tiny-Bend6060

    Nice to see Nick and Cole back together.


    Anyone notice last game that Gary Galley called our top pairing boy « Lundstrom »?


    He did it a couple of times in the same comment during a replay I believe.


    I can’t stand Gary Galley & I’ll never hesitate to point out how weak he is in his current position.


    So here I am

  15. jaiman54

    Yea this makes no sense. These lineups have been really strange. Slaf does not deserve to be in the bottom six especially since he was picking up chemistry with Caufield. Another season another shit show along with tons of injuries. A truly habs season…

  16. BigBoy990

    It’s like they want Slaf to be a bust, how can you justify keeping him out of the top 6 with all our injuries.

    Anderson has a pulse for half a game (in which he had 0 pts) and gets into a useless fight in garbage time and hes back on the 2nd line.

    Makes 0 sense…

  17. Halfbak3d

    Monahan has 2 assists in like the last 13 games. Also -13. The obvious choice is

    Whatever the fuck for 4th line

    For some reason Marty seems allergic to logic this year

  18. JarmaBeanhead

    Omfg I read this as “Caufield, Suzuki, Monahan, Slafkovsky to bottom 6” and I was *very* confused.

  19. StyxQuabar

    Tbh im missing the production of Monahan- Pearson-Gally. They had some secret sauce that just clicked.

    I am stoked for Suzy-Caufield again though.

  20. realm_fury

    Hey r/Slaf bros, the kid is only 19. Do you really want him getting run over by each team’s best line, game after game? Evans and Pearson are both fast and experienced. I think this is a pretty good option for a developing player.

  21. thebrah329

    Guy is playing well and they drop him to the bottom 6. No wonder this franchise can’t develop any players.

  22. Paparmane

    Bruh… Slaf is playing the best hockey he’s ever played right now. He’s better than everyone on the second line. Wouldn’t they want to continue developing him as a top 6? Hell, with Caufield and Suzuki there’s a perfect opportunity to form a great first line for the future. Give them the occasion to have this chemistry…

    I’m starting to think that MSL would not even have let Marchand – Bergeron – Pastrnak together.

  23. MundaneSandwich9

    I’m don’t hate the line combinations at all, and I’m perfectly happy with Pearson-Evans-Slaf as a line. I’m not going to pass judgement based on what a reporter thinks is the “2nd line,” and which one is the “3rd line.” I can see them both being used pretty much equally.

  24. hunglikejesus_

    Holy shit literally all anyone seems to care about is Slaf haha.

    I for one am stoked to see Cole and Nick reunited

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