@Ducks d'Anaheim

Pulls de Noël

Hé les gars, je n’ai jamais posté ici sur aucun forum Reddit en fait. Je voulais juste poster ces pulls de Noël car ils sont vraiment sympas. Quelqu’un sait s’il est possible d’en acquérir un par hasard ?



  1. KnightsOfArgonia

    AFAIK only through the holiday ticket plans

  2. mylefthandkilledme

    It’s a holiday ticket plan. Don’t believe they’re individually sold

  3. adiokido

    So… before Christmas they will only be sold with a ticket pack.
    After Christmas and a few months down the line, any leftovers are usually sold off. First at full price, then later down usually at a discount. I got the one for last year for 50% off (still $50) around March and plan to wear it this year.

    Obviously things change every year so no guarantee here.

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