@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Vous pensez tous qu’il y a du vrai là-dedans ?

Les fans de l’Avs débitent les trois mêmes blagues dans les commentaires



  1. UnrequitedFollower

    This is exactly the opposite experience than I’ve had. My experience has been that the Coyote fans just love to talk to someone else who loves hockey.

  2. trekkusdaddicus

    I mean someone in the stands did get their finger bitten off when they played the Bruins haha

  3. captain_catman_

    Sounds completely fake. I’ve always seen fellow Yotes fans behaving well. The student section can get rowdy but not to that point and clearly this photo wasn’t taken from there

  4. ThatSpecialAgent

    There is zero chance that actually happened lol all of the misconduct i have ever seen in the arena has come from away fans, notably Boston, Chicago, and Minnesota

  5. SadYotesFan

    Truth or not, that doesn’t make up our fanbase. The people throwing the popcorn were wrong for sure no question about it

    The comments in that thread however, are just using it to justify saying the same 3 things I hear all the time. Yeah we don’t have a lot of fans, our history blows.

    It’s so easy to be an Avs fan, what 3 cups in like 30 years? Minimal rebuilding time. Very easy to talk shit when your fanbase consists of a lot of fair weather fans. Didn’t see this support for the Avs in 2016-2017 that’s for sure

  6. final_screen

    Someone got their finger bit off at a Boston game, be happy it was popcorn

  7. OWS-GrummanWildcat

    Coyotes fans just aren’t that rowdy or ballsy in my experience, honestly I think we’re probably one of the quietest fan bases in the league when it comes to other teams fans

  8. FatherFenix

    Seems unlikely based on my experiences. Not saying it’s impossible, people are people and assholes exist in every place on Earth, but the only times I’ve seen Yotes fans get aggressive is when opposing fans are being absolutely obnoxious.

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