@Red Wings de Détroit

Selon la rondelle d’argent, nous avons de meilleures chances en séries éliminatoires que Toronto

Selon la rondelle d’argent, nous avons de meilleures chances en séries éliminatoires que Toronto



  1. amphetomine

    Let’s hope we can keep this momentum going into the new year

  2. magikarp-sushi

    It says Edmonton has a 47% so I wouldn’t value this.

    Also I think they had Buffalo or Ottawa weeks ago way above us in % which was so dumb lol

  3. KeegoTheWise

    makes sense. we’re above them in the standings and have twice as many regulation wins as them

  4. redwingjv

    In what world do the wild have an almost 5% chance to win it all????

  5. matt_minderbinder

    I only know how to stress over draft lottery odds. This is something very different.

  6. TheEnglishNerd

    Last week we had worse odds than Montreal so I’d take this with a huge granary of salt.

  7. aniiimaI

    These graphs need to be taken with a grain of salt, just last week the wings only had like a 30% postseason chance iirc

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