@Jets de Winnipeg

Connor Bedard a été démoli par ça

Connor Bedard a reçu un coup sûr qui l’a laissé dans un inconfort visible lors de ce match contre les Jets de Winnipeg et cette vidéo en parle davantage. #hockey #nhl #connorbedard


  1. What "issue" ? Look I get that the algorithm LOVES Connor Bedard stuff. I get it. But this is….a nothing burger. He's not even the smallest player to be drafted recently that's shown he can excel in the NHL.

  2. Bedard is pretty thick for an 18 year old a d will only get bigger ober the next couple of years. Hes built a lot like Marcel Dianne who was small height wise but thick as well in a way mir ephysical.time in hockey history. Bedard will be just fine barring major injury issues.

  3. Bedard seems a bit small to make a significant impact when puck battles get rough in the corners.

  4. He plays on a team with little to no talent the hawks management were preparing their fans for years of sucking ,then the lucked up and Bedard fell in their lap messing up management plans,I firmly believe he will be gone after his contract ends and I don't blame him,incompetent gm and owners killed an historic franchise sad to watch this

  5. He will be fine with it in a year, let him hate upon his simp team, he has a chance to do what McCookies did in Edmonton, will work out, just needs a little maturity coaching.

  6. All superstars get crunched, they are usually the target for everyone since you know they’re so good.

  7. He's thicker than McDavid was at the same age….Remember how McDavid was injured……..He'll be fine. Hawks need to make moves sooner than later in Bedard's career so his skill isn't wasted like it's being in Toronto and Edmonton………………………………………

  8. Bedard is fucking nuts, makes NHl players look foolish, if he was on a good team he'd be top 5 already

  9. Yeah, he'll get better, and as the team builds around him, stronger. Great shooter, good puck handler, excellent anticipation, not a speedster but he's quick enough. Good all-round skll set. I am unsure if he's the next McDavid or Crosby, but he's going to give it a good shot. Hell, another Pat Kane isn't such a bad thing either.

  10. It's scary to think how good this kid's gonna be in a couple or three years from now, plus he's only 18 and has yet to "fill out".

  11. I want Bedard to be built like a halfback in football.
    They are about the same height on average but built like a freight train

  12. Crosby was small to look at his rookie year Beddard needs to learn how to avoid hits that he puts himself into. Hit the weights bulk up a bit work on lower strength so he can skate through the players while keeping low he’ll be just fine

  13. I saw Bedard play a couple of weeks ago. He's quite small. There's no way he's 5' 10". I've stood next to Seth Jones. Jones is a legit 6 foot 5. Bedard is more like 5' 7", maybe 160, but no way 185. That became obvious when he stood next to Jones on the ice. Players will tee off on him if it's the difference between winning or losing a game.

  14. Certainly his style of play and size reminds me of Mitch Marner. As my wife tells me (how would she know), size doesn't matter.

  15. people need to start doing this to mcwhinner too, him just walking through defenses instead of throwing a hip check is a joke, a couple years ago Kadri got right in his face and didn't let up and it destroyed his game, he's 1 dimensional only so long as he isn't touched then the second dimension of his personality where he's a crybaby comes out.

  16. Why do you continue to comment on his size. You're obsessed with it.

    Hes fun sized because thats the only thing that happens when we watch him play hockey.

    Theres been so many holy shit moments. He even falls better than anyone.

    He took them all on and still got that shot off so close to the net.

    Hes getting better 👀

  17. The way you enunciate words when speaking is like fingernails on a chalk board. So hard to listen to you.

  18. Patrick Kane is 5' 10" @177lbs Bedard is 5' 10" @ 185lbs.. won 3 cups with Kaner so this is a non issue here

  19. What’s funny to me is people talk like he’s “small”.

    He’s 5’10 and 185 lbs.
    Crosby is 5’11 and 200.

    Sure Bedard is by no means a big man. But he’s also not small. He’s pretty average. Yeah there’s some guys out there that are 6’5 and 250 that could absolutely rag-doll him but he’s by no means at risk of injury because he’s too small and compete physically. Plus this kid is absolutely jacked. He’s 185 and his legs are humongous. The “too small narrative” is not a real argument in my opinion.

  20. He got hit fairly hard in the sandwich by the boards and it wasn’t hard enough to injure anyone but he felt discomfort most likely due to arm/shoulder being caught in a bad spot. Maybe even rib or torso area. But he never got rocked on the other hits he just got knocked down. That wasn’t a hard hit whatsoever. Just caught off balance and pushed over. I’m guessing you haven’t played hockey before if you can’t tell the difference between a hard hit and normal hit or just being pushed over

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