J’ai porté cet arc pendant tout le jeu – Je l’ai fait signer par Slavin et Koochie !! J’ai failli m’évanouir quand Kooch s’est arrêté et a définitivement fait un fangirl HARD – Je vais porter cet arc à chaque match maintenant !
My friend and I were the ones next to you guys – she was the one waiting for Aho! You were SO sweet to us and I’m so thankful for that. ❤️ Wear that bow proudly!
this is so cute!!! looks like you have to keep wearing it to bring us luck
My friend and I were the ones next to you guys – she was the one waiting for Aho! You were SO sweet to us and I’m so thankful for that. ❤️ Wear that bow proudly!
this is so cute!!! looks like you have to keep wearing it to bring us luck