@Canucks de Vancouver

Qu’en pensez-vous ? #Canucks #Hockey #LNH

Les #arbitres ont raté (ou ont choisi de ne pas appeler) une #pénalité flagrante lors du dernier #match entre les #AnaheimDucks et les #Vancouver #Canucks. Est-ce que quelqu’un d’autre est d’accord avec moi ou est-ce que je me plains simplement ? #NHL #Hockey #IceHockey #shortsfeed


  1. Lets face it the officiating in the league is getting worse each year. Im tired of the excuse of how fast the game is and how hard it is to be an NHL ref the league needs to admit it and start to make changes to imorove it instead of sticking their collective heads in the sand. One idea is to put a ref upstairs with multiple video and every ref has a head set. Correct mistakes in real time is there real a need for Toronto to mess calls up even worse? Also why are there not cameras on both sides of each blueline and better net cameras? No excuse with todays tech.

  2. Wait, the ducks slew footing, Corey perry version 2.0 displays poor sportsmanship while another duck is whining about being called on something so clear and blatantly obvious? Nooooo, that can't be right 🙄😂

  3. Offensive player should know better than to push him even slightly twords the frame and give him an angle to say "not my fault". Smart move by the defense provided by the offense.

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