@Ligue nationale de hockey

Pet audible entendu lors de la conférence de presse d’après-match de Vasilevskiy

Pet audible entendu lors de la conférence de presse d’après-match de Vasilevskiy



  1. Background_Duty_9250

    Somebody had a greater feeling.

  2. Dependent_League469

    Shoresy you got something to say bud?

  3. Then_Ship1329

    So who do we think it was? I have my suspicions.

  4. WestCoastCosta

    That was the sound of his last start

  5. burtonboy1234

    when it comes to farts, men will be men

  6. FinallyNoelle

    That was Corey Perry hiding in his old locker

  7. TsunamiSurferDude

    I’ve been a pretty avid hockey fan for my whole life. For some reason I wouldn’t have picked this guy out of a lineup of 10 people.

  8. DrewCrew62

    The poor guys been sitting on a turd for 3 hours, I really don’t think he’s gonna go through the effort of taking off and putting back on all his gear during intermission to drop a dump

  9. DirtDevil1337

    Looks like it was him, he paused a bit and hoped he’d let one out quietly but it decided to be bold and loud instead.

  10. LittleCatSteps

    Only thing to squeak through all night!

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