@Sabres de Buffalo

Jeff Skinner partage l’histoire derrière sa chanson Goal

La chanson de but de Jeff Skinner a balayé le monde du hockey et il est ici pour expliquer l’histoire qui se cache derrière elle ainsi que pour parler de hockey, y compris de sa rencontre virale avec Big Z !


  1. HSM came out in 2006 Jeff was born in 1992 and Drafted in 2010, I was born in 1989 and I was a Junior in high school when the film came out and just met and dated my past wife god rest her soul it was one of our favorite songs, Thank you Jeff for choosing that song and it’s funny you picked that because I’m actually getting married to my current wife in March

  2. Jokiharu the only one with decent taste. He must be Finnish (they are known for liking metal). All these rap and sissy pop songs. Where’s the rock/metal? Something with some testosterone in it. 90% of Metallica’s entire catalog would be great and better than any of these.

  3. I think this dude is hilarious……I’ve learned that, although, he’s not gritty or super physical……he chirps real good.

    And it’s funny to hear him give advice….just talk it out, meanwhile the game is moving 100mph


  4. Jack Johnson Skinny 🎸 Jack Johnson! (NOT the hockey player, the surfer/singer dude from Hawaii) "Brushfire Fairytales"✌️

  5. The best goal horn, followed by the best goal song in the NHL?? Gotta love it!! Let's Go Buffalo!! ⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔⚔

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