@Oilers d'Edmonton

Le plus gros échec de Ken Holland en tant que directeur général des Oilers

Dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, je discute de l’historique de repêchage de Ken Holland avec les Oilers et de la façon dont cela pourrait être son plus grand échec depuis qu’il a pris ses fonctions de directeur général en 2019. https://twitter.com/AHockey1993 https://tiktok.com/@AHockey1993


  1. Never call Mcleod a terrific 3rd liner. As a die hard oil fan, he's monumentally unfit to be in the NHL right now

  2. I remember how shocked Bob Stauffer was when oilers traded down and passed on wallstedt. You could hear his heart fall outtve his ass

  3. Failing to grab a goalie in that draft; when there were two gems available, is absolutely unforgivable! Sebastian Cossa, an Edmonton native, was available as well as Wallstedt. Probably would've had to trade up to get him but Wallstedt was right there for the taking and nimrod Holland passed on him.

    Brain dead! He can't draft, he can't sign and he can't trade. What we keep him around for, I'll never know.

  4. It’s funny, Holland has actually made good moves at the pro level (Kane, Hyman, Ekholm, Ryan, Neal, Smith, Keith – not acquisition cost, Kostin) but he’s complete dog sh*t so far at the amateur level. Meanwhile Chia was the opposite, good at the amateur level but terrible at the pro level. Both have won Cups in their own way but it seems the oilers would be served better by someone who could excel at both….maybe Mark Hunter?

  5. He literally talks to like 5-6 GM's in a 32 team league. Apparently more than a few GM'S adopt this practice. It's a complete failure to their team and the team's fans.

  6. He has no Hakan Andersson to bail him out with late-round gems like Zetterberg or Datsyuk. Otherwise, the same old story as during his last decade in Detroit – overpaying veterans/role-players resulting in cap hell. Holland was a good GM before the cap when he could just splurge, like when he put together that HoF dream team in 2002, though in all fairness, the core of that multiple-Cup-winning Red Wings team – Lidstrom, Fedorov, Shanahan, Larionov, Draper, etc.(Yzerman was already there) – was put together by Jimmy Devellano. Imo Holland has never been able to fully adjust to the salary cap era and his hiring by Edmonton was puzzling to say the least. I mean, how could someone in the Oliers' ownership look at Holland's last 5+ seasons in Detroit and say this is our guy… Not at all surprised with the result: a deeply flawed team with zero abitlity to make any moves to address these flaws, plus a pretty much non-existent prospect pool. It's a shame he has been wasting the best years of a generational talent. Still, I'm quite sure Connor gets his name on the Cup, question is: is it gonna be as an Oiler? (I could see a Ray Bourque scenario with him.. 🙂 )

  7. Brown has 1 goal in 25 games. What the hell is he doing on the first line shuffle some people around or go get some guys in bakersfield

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