@Kings de Los Angeles

L’intérieur de la NBA réagit aux faits saillants des Pélicans contre les Kings

Pélicans de la Nouvelle-Orléans vs Kings de Sacramento – Points forts du match complet – Quarts de finale | Tournoi en cours de saison du 4 décembre 2023 LES JOUEURS NBA RÉAGISSENT À LEURS FAITS SAILLANTS : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_HppZy-GwSzkpunTFTXHPxEZUgmyYPAS&feature=shared 📌 Suivez HoH sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/houseofhighlights 📌 Suivez HoH TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@houseofhighlights #HouseofHighlights #NBA


  1. It’s about 20 games in🤦🏽‍♂️. We’re gonna see the Zion we’ve all been waiting for come playoffs

  2. Who are the 3 all star players Chuck be talking about ? CJ never been an All star player 👀

  3. The amount of sh** Shaq can get away with is insane… dude will murder your family and be dic*** your sister while you are laughing with him about it 😂😂😂

    Dude's personality is different. No one's like Shaq.

  4. This in-season tournament can be big if the Nba doesn't cheap out. Even if you're a max player, half a million would be like my boss offering me 5 to 10 grand as a prize. NBA careers are short and max contracts are shorter. If the NBA thinks it just needs to pay at first and then in later years have the reward be like $15,000 to a charity of your choice, coupons for Chili's, and bragging rights, players will stop caring

  5. It's not impossible for zion to average a double double but he's also only 6'6 and plays in the paint. This is not the 70s/80s/90s when the game was played mostly in the paint therefore all the rebounds were there. A 3 point shot will send the ball further away from the hoop, if you're not 7ft or playing further from the paint it's harder to get rebounds.

  6. Remember chuck also said jump shooting teams don't win titles warriors have won four but in the case of kings their guards can take people off the dribble esp fox take entirely too many threes

  7. Like a broken record with Zion every single year. I'd be mad at management for not trading him when teams were giving away 4-7 first rounders.

  8. I wish y’all would watch more games before giving these takes, obviously this was the first game watched. Fire the whole staff

  9. But they don’t talk about Z when he dropped 33 on Philadelphia nothing was said other than the local media.

  10. Kenny is acting like Zion is an unfit weekend warrior. I mean, come one man, Zion is just as athletic as anyone in the NBA, a high-flyer, and jumps as high as everyone. Zion is an active NBA player man, come on Kenny.

  11. They’re speaking facts about Zion. His college days at duke he made an impact on defense shooting the passing lanes getting run down blocks etc. now it’s a lot of jogging. Zion can get 20 in his sleep but in basketball shape he can average a triple double and he’s definitely capable of it just needs to get the weight down.

  12. Find a good trainer that will hold him accountable. Seems he lacks discipline when it comes to his weight. Zion is built like a truck. Maybe 15-20 pounds to start with, before he gives up too much weight for his height at 6'6" (without shoes). He can lose 30-40 pounds and still be strong and athletic. I think 240-250 at 6'6" with his size and strength will be unstoppable and prevent many injuries before age catches up with his body.

  13. Zions in some of the best physical and mental shape of his nba career and they still find ways to only talk negatively about him

  14. It's crazy how Zion was the biggest prospect with so much talent and Ingram is the team leader when it comes to consistency. This dude seriously needs a wakeup call.

  15. This quartet is just interestng to listen to. They have become so comfortable with each other that they can present their expert opinions (which they often see very different). Their inside knowledge of the game makes it fun and interesting to follow. I used to watch this when they first started and there was a bit of friction. SO much to the extent that I thought the relationship would not endure for long. But look at them now. Great quartet!!

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