@Oilers d'Edmonton

Quelque chose va bien avec Connor McDavid | Oilers d’Edmonton

Le capitaine des Oilers d’Edmonton est revenu à son état habituel, et cela rend très heureux les fans comme moi, qui étaient très inquiets plus tôt cette saison ! Discutons de la récente performance de Connor et du plaisir de le voir à nouveau bien faire ! #Oilers d’Edmonton #Oilers #LNH #ConnorMcDavid


  1. He came back to soon for the Heritage Classic
    Another week would of done wonders
    I’m just happy he’s back to 💯 %
    Him and Leon will be 1 & 2 again in the scoring race…With playoffs to follow..

  2. It was interesting seeing the fans dumping on the 3rd greatest forward ever to play hockey when it was obvious to anyone with eyes that he was hurt. I'd bet his injury was in about the 3rd preseason game. He came back to early but what choice did he have. Anyway, He's BACK to Attack! )

  3. It’s ok to pat yourself on the back when you’re right. I know that doesn’t come natural to Canadians but hockey is your national pastime so feel free to relish in your accurate insights. It’s not bragging when you’re right. It’s affirming you know your sport & your team. Good job dude!!

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