@Devils du New Jersey

Ces 1000 mètres regardent au milieu….

Ces 1000 mètres regardent au milieu….



  1. Glad the boys saved VV last night. He actually did make some tough clutch saves earlier in the game. But yeah this was tough to see, please get up and take a Cory Schneider sip from the water bottle like nothing happened lol.

  2. baconpoutine89

    Vitek really needs a mental health break. That Rangers series really killed his confidence. Looks like he hates playing hockey now.

  3. ApplauseButOnlyABit

    I’m glad we won, but when I saw him sitting like a pumpkin with this defeated look on his face I nearly gave up on the season.


    He actually didn’t play that badly….he made quite a few very good saves…..where he gets in trouble is his rebound control combined with our tendency to allow opposing skaters around the crease for easy putbacks……..I will say he looked mentally exhausted/broken after allowing this 5th goal for the tie

  5. Reasonable-Depth22

    Wait, so is it 1000 yards or the middle distance? Or 1000 yards IS the middle distance?!

    Also: yeah, V needs a vacation. Or a serious crash course on rebound control.

  6. LionheartOnEdge

    Feel so fucking bad for the guy. We know he can perform really well, he’s done so several times, but he’s so inside his own head by this point that it’s impossible to say we’ll ever see top level consistency. Here he couldn’t even bring himself to try and hide it. If the organisation could give him a break and rely on Akira for a while it wouldn’t be a moment too soon.

  7. nostradamefrus

    This hurt my heart last night. He just sat there for what felt like forever staring into the void. His confidence is so shot

  8. This is why 1A/1B is bullshit. It doesn’t even exist, it’s just a thing coaches say when they haven’t decided who is #1

  9. Snooter-McGavin

    I think he knows his time in the NHL is very limited at this point… he’s probably thinking about how he’s going to have to start another career in this picture

  10. quite6789

    I miss Makenzie Blackwood, I know that may be unpopular around here but shit man he really could have been the goalie we needed this year, that being said I think VV and Schmid will improve as the season progresses and the defensive issues also get figured out.

  11. usernametaken1002

    I’m from Canada so I had to watch the Canadian Sportsnet broadcast. There was literally 2 topics of conversation the entire game. 1. The Hughes boys (that was fun). 2. How awful our goaltending is (that wasn’t fun). It was a very pro Canucks broadcast and seriously from the 2nd intermission on it felt like the only topic of conversation was “NJD’s goalie is so bad and unconfident, just get pucks on him from anywhere and there will be rebounds and you’ll score and you’ll get back in this game”…. 5-2 score and the announcers were confident in a comeback, that if they just got pucks on net that Vitek would blow it. So that’s what other team’s commentators feel about the Devils right now. Killed my enjoyment of the game and was swearing at them through the screen and telling them to suck a fat one after the game winner haha.

  12. i_saw_nothing

    I thought Vitek was actually playing well up to that point. I’ve tried to avoid completely shaming the defense this season, but they failed him on that goal.

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