@Canucks de Vancouver

Merci à la dame au t-shirt canon qui a effacé le carrelage du plafond hier soir

Merci à la dame au t-shirt canon qui a effacé le carrelage du plafond hier soir



  1. helixflush

    Damn I hope pieces didn’t come down and hit somebody in the crowd.

  2. Illustrious_West_976

    That’s kill Maud Flanders level of power right there chaps.

  3. J_Bizzle82

    A normally cheap fix, that’s an expensive tile replacement coming given the location 😂

  4. I’m actually a little surprised that area would be drop ceiling tile and not just painted concrete

  5. TrickWater4

    She did make another shot and it flew very far. Then she gave up on it

  6. Overclocked11

    Damn that shirt musta been movin to reach all the way up there..

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