@Panthers de la Floride

Sujet d’après-match : Stars de Dallas contre Panthers de Floride – 06 décembre 2023

2023020388 FLA gagne, 4 – 5.

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  1. TrooperGary

    Good job Bob! Gotta work on defending a bit more to take the pressure off, refs were meh again. But! A win is a win. Let’s go cats! 🐀

  2. bluesf44

    Very solid win. A bit shaky at the start of the third, but that’s to be expected playing a good team coming off a shutout loss

  3. Interesting-Can1636

    Damn these tnt dudes really buttering us up lol

  4. Zodiark1

    Love all the Dallas fans saying refs handed us the game when we had 1 powerplay lol

  5. ChrisyBear

    Sad to see Goblin boy Marchment lose, but happy we are back in the W column.

  6. mweaver31

    What I really liked was tonight some of the goals the boys got were nasty goals. There’s plenty of games in the past where the Panthers shot 40 pucks right into the midsection of a mid goalie and ended up taking a loss, but some of these goals they got tonight were just disgusting.

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