@Canucks de Vancouver

C’est tellement bon pour la LNH

Hier soir, alors que les Canucks de Vancouver recevaient les Devils du New Jersey, nous avons remporté le Hughes Bowl et cela n’a PAS déçu. Beaucoup d’offensive, un super micro chaud de Luke et avec 6 points combinés, les frères ont fait sentir leur présence ! Juste une bonne soirée car c’était seulement la 9ème fois dans l’histoire de la LNH que 3 frères frappaient la glace comme ça. Je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #newjerseydevils #vancouvercanucks


  1. Jack is 86. Which is 43×2 and both of his brothers are 43. I just realized this…

  2. Great coverage of the Hughes Bowl as expected. Agree with Jack needing maturity; was it a young avs forward that was called out for whining to the ref while ignoring the puck? Oh well, it's better than the falls.

  3. I don’t know how I just realized this. Luke and Quinn have the same numbers! For some reason that bugs me but oh well. If I used my brothers number, my mom would’ve killed me! That’s funny tho

  4. It was good for the NHL, for the people that could actually watch this game live. NHL Network has no business having any exclusive games until the channel is made more widely available.

  5. That was such an entertaining game right up until the part where the Canucks blew it with 30 seconds left. Absolutely agonizing way to lose…

  6. Jack standing there yelling when its tied up, you dont do that. You play till the whistle, thats just dumb.

  7. Myers was a bad deal when they got him. He was brought in because he is…big and tough? Too bad his actual defensive play is a liability. Cant wait to see him out the door

  8. iron sharpens iron, or in this case brothers sharpen brothers… Bet it was great getting to have such amazing training partners growing up in your house everyday LOL

  9. You have the best game recaps. Other channels don’t show anything and basically just tell you what happened, complete waste of time even watching. You know exactly what to show and even give the slow mo replays. It’s perfect.

  10. Jack screaming at the ref and not even trying to play the puck right at his feet 3:00 is pretty damn childish. The guy is an incredible talent but that's the kind of whining that turns me off. The great's don't do that.
    Do your yelling after the whistle blows, bud.

  11. If Quinn keeps playing like this the Canucks are getting amazing value out of his contract. $6ish Million a year I believe. Top 3-4 offensive defensive in the league

  12. When Hughes learns to play all the time, he could be the 2nd best player in Hockey (well 3rd if Bedard is the real deal.) The great instincts of not forechecking and waiting will work 1 out of 1000 times while an aggressive 4-check each time down the ice will always yield better results. Also, yelling at the referee can wait until the whistle blows. BUT – still an immense talent. Sidney Marie, before he became Sid used to whine all the time as well.

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