@Kings de Los Angeles

Cette équipe de la LNH est devenue un WAGON en une intersaison…

Les Kings de Los Angeles étaient censés être une bonne équipe cette année, mais je pense que personne ne s’y attendait. Les Kings ont remporté tous les matchs sur la route cette année avec une fiche de 10-0-0. Beaucoup de gens n’étaient pas d’accord avec Los Angeles sur l’échange de PLD, mais cela a très bien fonctionné pour les Kings jusqu’à présent. Croyez-vous aux LA Kings cette saison ? Abonnez-vous à Jimmy Hockey pour plus de nouvelles et de détails sur la LNH. TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@jimmyhockeyy?lang=en Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jimmyhockeyy/ #nhl #hockey #stanleycupplayoffs #icehockey #hockeyhighlights #montrealcanadiens #hockeyvideos #goldenknights #edmontonoilers #nhlplayoffs #nhlhockey #connorbedard #chicagoblackhawks #vancouvercanucks


  1. Horrible video. Have you not watched the kings in years?

    Kempe scored 40 last year
    Mikey Anderson has been a top pair defensmen for 3 years now

    You didn’t mention the fact we got Kevin fiala last off season, nor that we traded away Sean durzi and Jordan Spence has come in and bedn a much better defensman

    Oh we made a huge Trade at the deadline and got a primer shut down d In Vladislav gavrikov.

    All of these are the real reaosm we do stacked right now not to mention that our 4th line has been on another level.

    Instead of actually explaining why we are good you just put out some 2 minute shit post about how Aquiring PLD was the sole reason we got better.

    This was 5-6 years of rebuilding and pain staking effort by a brilliant management plan.

    Do better

  2. Doughty has been playing some of his best hockey. Even picking up points when he was never known for scoring. Gavrikov has been a stud, everyone is putting in work defensively. The depth is unreal.

  3. Thank you for giving some attention to the Kings. Since they are on the west coast (and typically not a huge hockey market) they don't get a lot of news or visibility. However, they've just tied an NHL record for road wins at the start of the season. Think about that ROAD WINS. Playing in someone else's house where you have the disadvantage and they've been able to pull that off. If they are able to continue to play with that kind of success, it can make a huge difference in the playoffs if they don't have home ice advantage. Anyways, great video!

  4. Los Angeles also has a deep roster of tweener skaters that have extensive NHL experience that a lot of are in the NHL.

  5. The media really doesn’t talk about the kings enough. All LA fans knew we would best one of the best in the division

  6. Depth has been the key this szn for the Kings. What they lack in superstar power they are rich in a roster that just doesn’t have any weak links. Watching how the top 4 played last szn after getting gavrikov to pair with Roy full time and we know Mikey and dewey is an elite pair, the blue line rlly wasn’t much of a concern other than englund, but he has rlly played well for them and brings them some size and physicality especially playing with a young and undersized defenseman in Spence. They’ve got 4 lines that they feel comfortable rolling out against anyone, lewy grundstrom and lizotte is arguable the best 4th line in the league with how they just dominate o zone time and set the tone and wear opponents out for the top lines to follow. PLD is gonna pick it up, it’s taking some time to gel but he’s playing with a rookie on rw and has now had 3 different lw partners. While Fiala is the most offensively skilled and dynamic player on the kings, that also makes him difficult to play with in a way because he will make creative plays and try to drive the line himself. But that also put arguable their two most lazy forwards defensively together and it didn’t work. I think when arvy comes back he will play with PLD and I think that combo should play well together prolly with kaliyev flanking the on lw. Talbs has been a treat to watch, in preseason and in game 1of the reg season he seemed out of position and just trying to be big and we saw him get beat a lot. Ever since, I’ve seen a very confident goaltender not afraid to get out to the edge of the blue paint and trust his reactions and the defense in front of him has played great and controls his rebounds for him very well. To think they’re doing this w/o arvy who was one of their best players last year is crazy, just kinda hoping it doesn’t ruin chemistry when he comes back. But this team is built so strong top to bottom and should be a team to reckoned with.

  7. Kings have 10 players on pace with a 20 goal season. I rather have an entire team producing, than 1 super star (ahh McJesus)! Our 4th line contribution alone has SHUT OUT teams, and we have the lowest goals against. Once Lizzo and Ardi are back, it will only get better! GKG!

  8. It will be interesting to see what they buy at the deadline, and what they do when/if injured players leave/come back. They're doing all of this currently without Arvidsson, for example. They could use upgrades at every position to contend with Vegas, the Avs, and the Oilers.. I'm curious how they look on the road trip in NY.. They were pretty ordinary against Boston.

  9. Viktor Arvidsson had back surgery on an injury sustained in the final practice of training camp. That is a big loss. He’s their only right handed skilled forward.

    Why is that important—> the pp becomes too predictable when you only have lefty forwards. And yet that is clicking at 20%.

    They are really good. I’d like to see them grab a top goalie in play at the deadline and play Edmonton in the playoffs again. That would be the best playoff series ever. Make no mistake about it- Edmonton is making the playoffs.

  10. I would consider Kopitar a top 25 player in the league. 100% the best two way forward in the league. No respect, I tell you.

  11. They might not have superstar players, but I'd say Kopitar, Kempe, and Fiala are star players they're all point per game players Kopitar is still one of the best two-way players in the game, Fiala is one of the best playmaking wingers in the league, and Kempe is a sniper who scored 41 goals last year and has scored 76 goals over the past two seasons, and players like Byfield and Trevor Moore have elevated their game to another level this season

  12. i haven't followed hockey closely in a while but i'm pretty sure kopitar is still a top 25 forward; esp. this year where he's on pace for career high in goals cuz he finally has teammates who pass as well as he does. seriously, even the stanley cup teams didnt pass as well as this team has

  13. I’m glad LA is finally getting the recognition and respect this teams deserves. This isn’t just a hot start. This is a Stanley Cup team.

    Impeccable depth, four lines that can score, all 18 skaters playing a 200ft game, elite goaltending from Talbot (and it’s not just because of the team playing in front of him. Look at Copley, for example.), and an excellent penalty kill. All of this creates a dominant team that you will rarely see outplayed in any given game.

    10-0-0 on the road says it all, and while their 5-4-3 record at home doesn’t blow you away, they’re 4-1-0 at home over their last 5 games. So it’s seen a vast improvement recently.

    I’d also like to add that it wasn’t one offseason that created this Kings team. It’s been a cumulative process. Even in the last couple of seasons where LA was making the playoffs, they weren’t supposed to be as good as they were. They were overperforming, and now we’re finally seeing the fruits of the rebuild coming to fruition. A team with nearly zero flaws.

    Now, they aren’t the 2022-2023 Boston Bruins, but they don’t want to be. They want to succeed in the playoffs, and this is the year they finally break through, and go on a deep run.

  14. As a lifelong Kings fan, it doesn't come as a shock. Been watching it build for some time. But even I gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised by some of the things you mentioned.

  15. Talbot is playing surprisingly well. No one believes in Copley, but this is a mistake. Granted, he has had a rough start this year, but his save percentage is creeping up to .900, and critically he hasn't lost in regulation (4-0-2). Last year McLellan didn't trust Copley, even though he saved LAs season, and LA wasted resources renting Korpisalo (who folded in the playoffs). The Kings don't need another goalie rental. When Arvidsson comes back, how he integrates back into a four-line machine will be the key.

  16. This is the way the Kings build teams. Reminds of the depth from the Cup Teams: Stoll, King, Greene, Mitchell, Regehr, those teams were thick up front and on the back end while their studs weren’t league wide studs (Richards, Carter, Kopi, Brown, Gaborik).

  17. the kings have shown flashes off this the previous 2 seasons they would have games where they were lights out offense but was horrid defensively take example that game vs the kraken and wild then from the january-april the kings defense more often then not was amazing but the couldn’t score and would constantly drop games by 1 goal but now it seems they have tied to knots and if they can get the powerplay going they are gonna be insane

  18. Impressive what the kings are doing. I think they are a true inspiration of how to build a team i mean the 2010s decade speaks for itself, the best decade in franchise history and its not even close with the 2 cups they won. Having everyone contribute whether you're a star, checker or enforcer everyone got it done. The exact opposite of the oilers who have too much star power and mediocre defense, goaltending and depth and are simply just soft. I hope kopitar wins the selke trophy for the 3rd time this year too. Guy is an absolute stud

  19. PLD is one of these players that can look like shit for most of the Game… then be the Gamebraker to win it for you!! He's got the potential… but 50-60 Pts should be the expectation for Him… so currently @ .5 PPG is right on schedule for Him!!

  20. Go Kings Go!!! Kings development is due to having an awesome head coach. The development of the team started roughly 3-4 years ago. These are the fruits of labor.

  21. I think all LA fans knew this team would be a strong contender this year. Maybe there were some doubts about PLD, which may be valid long term, but in his current role as a third line center he's doing absolutely fine. Also Kopitar is absolutely a superstar and a top 25 player in the league, but I think he likes the fact that he goes relatively unnoticed. Also the Kings are doing all this without Viktor Arvidsson, one of their best playmakers, who they've really missed on the power play.

  22. Been a Kings fan 30+ years and have a GOOD feeling about this team. For years we were always reliant on the same 2-3 players essentially scoring all our goals, but now it seems like anyone can score at any given time. There's so much more depth offensively and defense looks solid. Goaltending from Talbot (thank goodness) also settling in. Plenty of season left, but lets keep this train going! GKG 🥅🏒👑👍

  23. The advanced stats say that the Kings didn't revitalize Talbot as much as take him out of the dumpster fire for goalies that is Ottawa. His underlying numbers are comparable to last season. Compare Korpisalo's numbers with the Senators this season versus the Kings last season; the differences are even more glaring.

  24. The kids are putting it together. Byfield has taken off, Kaliyev is showing that he can be a sniper when on the ice. They are a solid lineup without any weak links.

  25. One thing you failed to mention is the 4th line. I think they are the best 4th in the league. Lizzo, Gundstrum are killing it. This line is so important for the rest of the lines and allows the other lines more room. Also you mentioned Byfield but I wanted to point out his play has been amazing. Once he gets a more polished finishing shot he is going to that much better.

  26. I’ve never had a lack of faith in Talbot. He’s one of those goalies that has been around a lot of teams in the league. But he never was a poor goaltender really anywhere. He plays this good when a team supports him to play to this good if that makes any kind of sense.

  27. The Kings make up for not having any elite players by not having any duds on the roster. Trevor Lewis and Alex Laferriere are probably their two weakest links at the moment, but both have been average at worst. That's wild. Dubois has been playing great hockey but he's on the 3rd line and flanked by less talented teammates than he had in WPG, so it's depressed his point totals, but he's been key to the Kings' depth up the middle. When Lizotte is healthy, this team runs out 4 lines that are relentless, and there's almost no dropoff from their top D pairing of Anderson/Doughty to Englund/Spence. Arvidsson's return will just make that 3rd line even more potent, and Turcotte, Fagemo, and Clarke are ready to take the next step from the AHL whenever there's an injury. Wagon.

  28. Every player on the ice for the Kings are dangerous! Even Talbot had an assist the other night. The worst part is it only gets more dangerous as the game goes on. If you're not ahead by 5 going into the third, you better get to work because Kopi, Kempe, Byfield, Fiala, Danault, and Moore are looking to add 20+ shots alone, and that's not including the other snipers and all D men who are also goal hungry. Blake and Robitaille have done an amazing job and REALLY spent time, energy, and money to build this into a solid franchise. It's going to be a fun cup run for sure!

  29. I'm a huge believer in the idea that a change of scenery can do wonders for a player and it really feels that way with Cam Talbot. He was okay in Minnesota and then obviously well below average in Ottawa. I remember reading an interview with him after he signed with LA this year, and he was so excited when the offer from LA came to him. You kind of got the sense from his answers that he maybe didn't have as much confidence in himself, and a team like this taking a chance on him was huge. And now watching their post-game locker room videos where they're all dancing, you can see how much fun he's having being there and when a player genuinely enjoys where they are that can have a huge impact on how they play. I hope he can keep this consistency and now it looks like Copley is taking good steps forward after a super rough start. Promising season shaping up for the Kings!

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