@Kings de Los Angeles

Les Kings de Los Angeles sont l’équipe la plus en vue de la LNH | Le rapport sportif de Jesse Blake

Dans cet épisode de The Jesse Blake Sports Report, les Kings de Los Angles ont battu les Canadiens de Montréal 4-0 ce soir pour devenir la première équipe à débuter une saison avec 11 victoires consécutives sur la route et sont officiellement l’équipe la plus chaude de la LNH. Nous parlerons de la manière exacte dont ils y parviennent et des performances impressionnantes de Talbot et Byfield. Abonnez-vous au Jesse Blake Sports Report partout où vous obtenez vos podcasts ! Visitez https://www.sdpn.ca/jbsr pour en savoir plus ! Enregistré : 8 décembre 2023. Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour des produits dérivés et plus encore. Suivez Jesse sur Twitter à @JesseBlake Suivez Jesse sur Instagram @Jesse.Blake Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Love how the kings are with prospects as a lifelong fan I can say we have always been great at cultivating young talent dating all the way back to drafting Luc Robitaille in the 10 millionth round

  2. People also need to realize about Byfield is that he broke his ankle after his rookie year, had an illness that left him bedridden and lost 15 lbs over, and was shooting with 2 sprained wrists last year.

  3. Talbot wasn't healthy last year. He spent the off season getting healthy and working on how to stay healthy. Guess its working. Long season though so we shall see. GKG!

  4. On our D, I think changing up the 3rd pair from last year was huge. Last year Edler and Durzi were huge defensive liabilities. Now we have Englund and Spence. Spence is probably not quite as good offensively as Durzi (yet) but is far far better defensively. Englund is a defensive stalwart, and gives us that big mean dude that you hate to play against

  5. LA's Blueline is vastly underrated, Matt Roy inparticular is quietly the best defensmen no one has heard of, he never makes mistakes and literally makes his partners better every shift

  6. you don't need to cherry pick stats. As of tonight the Kings have an of average 3.87 goals per game which is 1st in the NHL and on they average 2.22 goals against per game which is 1st in the NHL. Those are all the stats you need. They have the second highest winning % just behind the NYR.

  7. The Kings d are nuts. Mikey Anderson was drafted in the 4th round. Spence is 4th round. Gavy and Roy are 6th and 7th respectively. Crazy. Crazy!

  8. You are really good, Jesse. I really enjoyed your enthusiam as you shared your thoughts. As a long term Kings follower, if you know their history, you'll understand the word "reserved"…so I thrill to each achievement, but also keep waiting for them to suddenly drop out of the top 5…let's hope for the best…God bless…rl

  9. The Kings are looking so composed and resilient and you can tell they have great team chemistry. This is really exciting to see. GKG!

  10. The Kings are the hottest team in the NHL? It's the helmets. They're blinding. All you see is 5 dwarf stars intent on stealing your lunch. It's not fair maaaaaaaan!

  11. Ofc we get the rangers on a back to back so if we lose we’ll get trashed on all week by the media for losing a back to back but if we win then rangers have no excuses

  12. Not only are they just 4 deep lines, unlike other teams, match ups aren't a thing. They are just continually rolling the lines irregardless of the match ups, which is keeping each line fresh and dominant. I mean most times it's our best against their best. But with the Kings every line is comparable. Man, every coaches dream and most teams nightmare.

  13. Byfield would have gone back to sudbury if not for covid shuting down the league so that and some injuries kinda stunted his development. But he's finding he way now.

  14. There's no denying they are playing well. HOWEVER, they've had the third easiest schedule to date. Post Xmas they have some intense games. That will determine if they are legit.

  15. I respect you for even paying attention to the Kings, but not mentioning noted goon Blake "Bane of Villardi" Lizotte in your conversation about center depth is unfortunate.

    All the same, thanks for noticing LA and GKG.

  16. Love it, it's like gravy on my KINGS heart. Great show great team. I just hope the world holds together so we can collect some cups. GO KINGS GO!!! p.s Byfield cracks 100 pts this season.

  17. someone else evveryone is forgetting about that is FINNALY healthy and actualy tearing up the ahl right now… 5th overall ALEX TURCOTTE…. he WILL be the next kings call up. hes leading the reiggn in scoring and finaly is putting together a length of time not injured. and he plays a heavy game very similar to dustin brown he is not shy of throwing his body at all

  18. This is all keeping in mind that not everyone on the Kings is performing to their full potential. Kempe, who was a 40 goal scorer last season, has been on a cold streak, PLD has slowly been gelling with the team, and that’s not to mention the amount of talent that is just sitting in Ontario. Clarke, Turcotte, Fagemo, Rittich, this team is built to last.

  19. wait til viktor arvidsson comes back, he runs the pp and thats the only stat we are below average in rn

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