@Flames de Calgary

Première étoile du match d’hier soir

Première étoile du match d’hier soir



  1. TBNRtoon

    Literally just opened Reddit to repost this lol

  2. CanadaEhAlmostMadeIt

    Oh jeez, sorry this happened to you. I love hockey too, but your boy is a nut

  3. -Disagreeable-

    Thanks for putting up with his crazy AND winning the game.

  4. DrRonny

    This could be fake because she doesn’t sound Canadian. Then he speaks. 100% real 🍁

  5. hockeyjesus99

    Every game you best be in that tub

    Think of it as you time

    Time to light a candle and read a book, ignoring the anguished screams coming from the living room

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