@Red Wings de Détroit

Sénateurs @ Red Wings 12/9 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2023

Faits saillants prolongés des Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre les Red Wings de Détroit


  1. I’m glad I didn’t watch this game. And honestly, watching the highlight of the hit and reading comments on other channels… people are just hard to look at. So many people clowning Larkin, calling him “soft”. Think what you want, but he was knocked out cold, have some humanity and move on.

  2. Joseph committing the act then playing the nice guy is such a clown move. Perron cheap shot was a clown move as well.

  3. Starting to miss Ken Holland when he was GM for the Wings. Holland and Develanno in Detroit management seemed to hold that Wings organization together. Don't know if I can even trust this Yzerplan anymore. Yzerman did well in Tampa. Think he may have been given too much confidence by the Red Wing ownership to run the Wings organization as a GM. This rebuilding process since Yzerman's been GM is going on, what, 5 years now? How long did it take him to build a Stanley Cup championship team/contender in Tampa? Not getting good vibes about the coaching behind the Wings' bench. Just how long does Lalonde think it'll take the Wings ti rebuild? How many more years? If you watched this game tonight, Yzerman's first round pick in defenseman Seider from 3+ years ago made an amateurish move tonight, dropping the puck off to nobody while allowing for the Senators to get a breakaway to score an additional goal. Seider is not a good puck handler. Wings need to keep him off the power play. Seider has little to no chemistry on the power play. Wings should just use him on 5 on 5 matches. I even have to hold my nose when I see him on the ice on breakaways in the Wings' zone. Wings' also need to put a body on the opponent. They're letting these teams with horrible records beat them. If you can't beat the teams with losing records, don't bother showing up at the rink.

  4. The Wings played weak. They are not paying attention to passing and neutral zone responsibility. Scotty Bowman would rip them in half for even a tenth of their mistakes. I miss my old Redwings.

  5. Unfortunate Double-bank hit between Joseph n Kelley. (You see that in the NFL sometimes too.)
    Still no Excuse for Zub to get Assaulted with a Stick to The Jaw while summoning Medical Help.

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