@Red Wings de Détroit

Carte de statistiques de jeu (09/12/23 contre OTT)

Carte de statistiques de jeu (09/12/23 contre OTT)



  1. Veleno was great tonight. All over the ice all the time. I also thought Chiarot actually played really well too. Kane seemed good offensively, but boy did he look lazy out there at times – just coasting, even near the puck.

  2. RocketSZN

    This was just a forget about it game. Like to see that Kane is still a beast tho

  3. cabbagesquid

    Watched the whole game and seemed like Fischer was better than what this says 🤷

  4. HercHuntsdirty

    Games like this make me wish Kostin was in the lineup to run someone through the glass

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