@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le message de Gary

Le message de Gary



  1. Stockersandwhich

    What does one have to do with the other? Blackhawks were fined and the staff associates were fired/blacklisted and the Devils were fined for what they did. Wana keep revisiting this? Enough.

  2. Particular_Tutor_46

    Ok… the devils circumvented the salary cap to gain a competitive advantage.

  3. SigSauerPower320

    Can we please just move on from this? I mean seriously…. It’s been 2 years since the investigation. We get it… You weren’t happy with the outcome. But it only needs to be said once.

    Not to mention what the Devils did affected every other team in the league… What the Blackhawks did affected only those involved. Not only that, the Blackhawks didn’t just get fined. People lost their jobs.

  4. Opportunity_Knocks23

    Maybe what the NHL should do to make all these fan bases happy since they won’t ever stop comparing every decision to the Blackhawks is Bedard is forced to be released and can go to the highest bidder, the rest of the Blackhawks players are also released and the Blackhawks be forced to close operations and never be allowed to play hockey again? Does that sound good to everyone?

  5. tomplum68

    maybe because covering up sexual assault should be a police matter where cap circumvention is a league matter.

    I swear people are more upset about the league’s response than they are about the actual sexual assault

  6. Outrageous-Estimate9

    Froms a sports perspective how is this wrong?

    Not to mention the fact that the people who were alleged to have been assaulted were idiots (I have seen smarter wannabe supermodels). I mean really is there anyone in this reddit dumb enough to fall for what the Hawks players allegedly fell for?

  7. Canadian__Ninja

    The Allan Walsh challenge (Impossible): Go one week without manufacturing outrage against Bettman.

  8. Born-Chipmunk-7086

    Allegedly. The NHL isn’t law enforcement.

  9. TheGreatPervSage_94

    I’m a little out of loop

    Weren’t other fanbases mad at Vegas and Tampa for allegedly doing this as well??

    So why is it now not ok to punish a team for cheating?

    Is it because the Blackhawks got Bedard?
    Would people be this mad if they chose Michkov or Fantili instead?

  10. This shit happened 2 fucking years ago. Move on. Even IF Bettman took away a first, the Blackhawks still would’ve had their 2023 first and thus picked Bedard

  11. JuniorAd241

    Whats really messed up is some of yall dont even care about the SA, you are just salty Chicago got bedard. If we didnt win the lottery, this wouldnt be a discussion

  12. Ted_Lass00

    Honestly we need new leadership in the NHL. It’s become such a cluster fuck and nothing makes sense anymore. Bettman and his cult needs to go. We need new and younger blood running the league

  13. TheNationDan

    And Allan Walsh will use a sexual assault victim to get him an extra nickel

    All the people in power of the league are clowns.

  14. Monst3r_Live

    sexual assault and hockey are like pb and j. i guarantee you bettman is more mad the situation got public and he had to deal with the pr nightmare than he is that someone was violated. everyone involved should have received lifetime bans. ownership should have been forced to sell.

  15. Flinto762

    What’s Gary’s choice of religion? (Jeopardy Music)

  16. mattcojo2

    Yeah I’ve gotta agree with hawks fans.

    The event is over. Nobody involved is with that organization anymore: fired, not playing, or (if Rocky was involved) deceased.

    There’s nothing more to be done about the assault. I don’t know if move on is the right phrase for this, but move on.

    Rocky was right: There’s nothing to be gained by bringing this up again and again because there’s nothing more that can be done. It happened, the people involved are gone, and now Rocky’s dead. Bedard is a hawk, no form of punishment would’ve prevented that, cry about it.

  17. little_freddy

    Disgusting franchise. Also, bettman a little b*tch

  18. Yop_BombNA

    A broken clock is right twice a day, fuck the Blackhawks and the league, they are genuinely a-okay with sexual assault

  19. TwDoes66

    Or …..

    They’re entirely non related issues?

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