@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

C’était vraiment effrayant à voir

Ce soir, alors que les Red Wings de Détroit recevaient les Sénateurs d’Ottawa, nous avons eu une période d’ouverture folle avec une scène vraiment effrayante de Dylan Larkin dehors, face contre terre sur la glace. Joseph essayant d’éloigner Larkin, l’a attrapé haut alors que Larkin est entré directement dans la main droite de Kelley ou peut-être que le bout du bâton semble assommer Larkin. Compte tenu de son passé de blessures au cou, c’était difficile à regarder. Heureusement, il a un peu patiné tout seul. Sur le jeu, Perron s’est trompé de gars et a également croisé Zub au visage dans ce qui n’était qu’une séquence sauvage tout autour dans une période d’ouverture qui a également vu Kane marquer son premier en tant que Red Wing. Il y a beaucoup à déballer, mais je couvre tout dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #ottawasenators #detroitredwings


  1. Joseph is a coward regardless. Pushing a guys head from behind? Really?

    Perron is no better. He deserves a suspension and a fine for sure. It wasn’t even the right guy…

  2. As a redwings fan, I agree with almost everything said in this video. I even agree with the intent to injure was the right call, but I mean… who wouldn’t do the same, you see one of your brothers, who is also one of the most valuable redwing, who is your captain, who already had such a tuff season with his child, and you see him on the ice no motion at all, in a game so fast. If he didn’t intentionally try to injure, then someone else would.

  3. At a certain point I hope Larkin takes legal action towards Matthieu Joseph for blatantly trying to end Larkin’s career. That is the third questionable thing Joseph has done to him.

  4. Joseph's reaction when they announced that the play was under review shows that he's a POS. I got crosschecked in the neck when I was younger, same spot on the neck. It slid a vertebrae sideways and pinched a nerve all down my right arm. I just about passed out. I could hear my teammates saying that I was turning green.

  5. this is why Probert was on Yzerman's line……if Larkin had a guy like that on his wing, Joseph's gonna think twice about going high like that. Whether or not it was a cross-check, he clearly went after his head and for that he should be punished.

  6. Perron definitely deserves to get suspended for 10 games for that intent to injure cross check to the head

  7. They got Perron’s correct, Kelly’s contact was incidental and shouldn’t have resulted in a penalty, Joseph’s contact to the head was intentional and should have resulted in at least a 2 and 10

  8. Get well soon, Larks. Props to DP for standing up for his captain, even if he went after the wrong guy. To build team cohesion, you have to INSTINCTIVELY and IMMEDIATELY react and retaliate in these injury situations or you'll get pushed around the entire season. Wings either need more Kostin and Fischer, or spend more time in the gym

  9. There should be charges filed . This was an intentional hit . Larkin and this guy have issues .

  10. The NHL really needs to crack down on hits to the head or neck area and start calling matches more often or somebody is going to be left dead or paralyzed. I would hate to see another Moore incident where the player is left unable to move and paralyzed for the rest of his life. Prayers for Larkin and his family because they were already going through a very difficult time before this happened.

  11. luckily it seemed like it was just a knock out from being hit int he face(like being punched). not that it’s a good thing, but there’s a lot worse that could have happened during that sequence.

  12. Out of all this, this only proves the NHL can't get anything right. This isn't the first time joseph has gone after Larkin. Then he only gets 2 min and not 5 and a game, if you agree, let me hit you in the back of the head with the butt end of a stick. This is even after a review!! NHL proves they don't care about player safety at all.

  13. This was an unfortunate accident. Does not look intentional in any way, however they are still responsible for their actions.

  14. didn't perron realise it was a hockey rink & not a pub car-park? way to go start fighting by stepping over your unconscious mate! 2 lagers when your ready please charlein!!

  15. The fighting over top of injured players HAS TO STOP. These are grown adults, control yourself for 2 seconds and move off the fallen player. It's only a matter of time before someone gets stepped on in one of these useless scrums. Why the instant reaction? What ever happened to letting the refs sort it out and take a number. Ridiculousness.

  16. You're absolutely right… it was Kelly's fault, the butt-end of his stick connected with Larkin's temple. That would knock anyone out. Illegal play, suspension should ensue for Kelly.

  17. I was watching this game, when this happened and I heard Joseph, I also saw red.

    The first clip looks bad because it IS VERY BAD. Joseph has a video resume of dirty checks. You can see in that first clip that Joseph actively decides to raise his hands from the back/shoulders area to the head, then he gives him a hard punch. Perron getting the 5 and game is fine, but only if you're giving Joseph a 5 and a game as well. They're basically the same thing. This game was awful for officiating all around. They called a couple phantom calls. Think it's hilarious that you have the one in my mind there.

  18. Kelly and Joseph both targeted the head/neck. They should both be suspended/fined, this needs to be out of hockey, period.

  19. there was a video of a doctor breaking it down, and i think it was the specific part of Larkins neck got hit just right that it caused his body to have raised his blood pressure causing him to collapse like he did, so the head hang may have been the after math of how weak he felt after that spot was hit, he shouldn’t have a concussion, but still was kind of dirty and Joseph should’ve been ejected if Perron was

  20. I think it would be in Larkins best interest for his health and safety to possibly look at retirement. It's unfortunate but he needs to look after himself.

  21. This is the 100% method of checking these days?
    That's all you see anymore during an NHL game, these guys are bigger, stronger and faster, but yet, the lazy triggered NHLPA always seems to resort to using the CROSSCHECK as a way to check someone the last 10 years or so
    I suppose if they resort to nice clean BODY CHECK, they'll have to fight, because they've TRIGGERED the opponent to DEFEND a teammate even though it's part of the game
    Just remove the cross checking penalty NHL, it's not like you really call these infractions anymore

  22. I was there in the crowd when it happened. Once Larkin laid there motionless on the ice EVERYBODY lost it. The rest of the night you could feel the atmosphere in LCA. Almost like a new rivalry started and what felt like fight night at the Joe all over again. Praying that Dylan is alright and hope Joseph is ready for his return to Detroit in January

  23. The senators are extremely dirty players. Every time the wings play them they are trying to legitimately trying to hurt our good players.

  24. I don't think there was any intent to harm here. Scrums in front of the net get crazy. The hit high in the back should get called, and it did. I don't think Kelly was trying to hit in the head. He came in to hit in the chest, but the hit from behind knocked Larkin's head down into Kelly's hit.

    A couple of roughing calls later, and I think the refs actually got this one right in the end.

  25. Larkin may be done. Perry was doing what you do, defending his teammate, that was not some outrageous thing. Larkin needs to take some time and maybe get checked for CTE. I hope not for his sake. And this is from a Blues fan. All the best Larks.

  26. I was in social media and people were making fun of Dylan Larkin for what has happened this past week. Shit is fucked up

  27. Until the league takes action these injuries will happen, not defending Perron but that kind of hit to a defenceless player have got to stop

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