@Kings de Los Angeles

Comment la meilleure équipe des Sacramento Kings a raté la finale de la NBA, puis s’est détériorée

Début 2002, les Sacramento Kings semblaient être la prochaine dynastie de la NBA. Ils étaient en bonne voie pour la finale et, alors que les Lakers de Los Angeles se dissolvaient, les Kings étaient prêts à prendre le relais. Et puis… des choses se sont passées. Vint d’abord la fin notoire et controversée de la finale de la Conférence Ouest de 2002 contre ces Lakers. Puis vint la blessure de la star de Sacramento, Chris Webber. Puis sont venus de mauvais sentiments, de mauvais mouvements et finalement un très mauvais basket. Cela commence comme l’histoire d’une équipe parfaitement construite qui se heurte au malheur alors qu’il aurait dû atteindre son apogée. Cela devient l’histoire de cette création parfaite qui s’effondre en morceaux, sans plan clair pour la reconstruire. Celui-ci fait mal. Edité par Jiazhen Zhang Graphiques animés par Phil Pasternak Écrit et produit par Seth Rosenthal Abonnez-vous : https://goo.gl/Nbabae Consultez notre catalogue vidéo complet : https://goo.gl/9pMHRV Visitez nos playlists : https:// goo.gl/NvpZFF Aimez SB Nation sur Facebook : https://goo.gl/Pzcs7O Suivez sur Twitter : https://goo.gl/5LI02D Suivez sur Instagram : https://goo.gl/aY2FFK Explorez SB Nation : http://www.sbnation.com


  1. Who else is here after the Sacramento Kings clinched a playoff spot for the first time since 2006?

  2. Thr NBA robbed this #Kings team from 2 maybe 3 championships, & it was INFURIATING TO WATCH! It all just conveniently was swept under the rug, & ironically the SAME ISSUES exist in officiating now as it did then & nothing is done about it.

    The NBA officiating issue is blatant, glaring, clear and totally ignored. Just wait for the 2023 Playoffs and what is going to happen in every Celtics series w/ *positive blatant help, Every Warriors series w/ *negative blatant B.S. & constant controversy

    … and it will ALL BE goIng ignored, as usual! Regardless of what is obvious to every fan; That, The NBA is a lie & it is manipulated for profit, favoring the large markets, not because there is a known, pre determined outcome, (per say) but because the Officials are never held accountable, & wholly & subjectively bias in ways that are blasphemous to fair competition laws, is known, unspoken & HOLDS PRECEDENCE, even now, post games are full of apologies by officials, yet, they are not fined or restricted from the Playoffs & the worst offenders seem to be promoted & protected

    This is um… ILLEGAL #AdamSilver , and should and could be easily fixed by reforming the review system, and by having a manditory oversight committee for officials, who, would be forced to call things RIGHT & by the rule book, w/ multiple reviews available if & whenever necessary, by the coaches & per game, via a remote crew, like the NFL, that can ensure the right calls are upheld , no matter how often or when necessary!

    Vs not call things how they want the game to go or favor teams & players, w/o reviews, changes or the truth upheld due to subjective, prejudicial bias,
    Its #INFURIATING & at times unwatchable, @NBA @NBAPA #NBAPA

    #AdamSilver is selling FOOLS GOLD ,

  3. From NYC a Knicks fan, but I hated the Lakers. And I liked Chris Webber, so seeing them lose hurt. I remember having tears. Like why the Kings cant beat them.When years later the ref came out and said he cheated I felts some relief. Soo many fans,players even the commissioner stating this wasn't true was bullshit. How a ref stated when and what teams he cheated and you can see the scores. For for stern to say it was false made me no longer like the NBA. As a New York I cheer for the Knicks on the side. But I dislike basketball and I forever hate the Lakers and their players past present and future. Thank you for mentioning the truth eventho it was brief.

  4. It really took 17 years until the Sacramento Kings became relevant again…

    A long time coming…

  5. The Sacramento Kings will have another shot at redemption as they host Game 7 on their home floor against a defending NBA champion on Sunday.

    Will Mike Brown do something that Rick Adelman never did between 2002 and 2004 or will Steve Kerr see the Golden State Warriors hand Sacramento another Game 7 L?

    Something's gotta give.

  6. you remember when when Doug Christie popped Rick Fox in the face… that's how i feel right now but Ima watch the video on KG next.

  7. Michael Malone made Vivek Ranadive seethe when Malone left Sacramento and coached the Denver Nuggets to their first ever NBA title in 2023.

  8. Speaking of the Maloofs, they have something that the Kings have yet to have: a title.

  9. Tbh this was by design dont forget how the refs was betting on Kobe literally

  10. Imaging being a kid betting wit the kings but a grown ass ref wanted the fakers to win so bad who’s to say David stern wasn’t behind it they never took the lakers ship away 😤😤😤😤.

  11. Until the past season, the Kings hired and fired the total of 12 head coaches. Among them, only one is still HC in the league & that is, Mike Malone (Kings, 2013-2014) who, as you might guess, has just won the NBA title with the Nuggets. Another fun thing is, the Kings ends up having six head coaches coming and going during Malone’s tenure in Denver (eight yrs and counting)…

  12. Wow, I totally forgot that Peja' was out during the WCF against the Lakers. They might have swept the Lakers if he wasn't hurt. They jumped into big leads in most of those games without him. Kobe even low key admitted in an interview that he thought that they probably should have won saying that "They were kicking our butts for most of the series!"

  13. You said it wrong pimping… "Overcoming all that, they still were almost able to pull out the win in game 6." with the refs trying to stop them on every turn. That shows you that they were the better team.

  14. If a player doesn’t want to play for your team you should just let the go. Seems like people who actually want to be there are a better ingredient for a championship team. If they are UFA the summer there’s a little room there to keep them around.

  15. Sad to watch this clip as a Kings fan…..I was attracted to watch NBA games and play basketball by this Sacramento King team.
    Love C-Webb, Peja, Bibby, Divac, Doug, Bobby, Hedo, Pollard, Brad Miller! Hate those god damn ref for stealing Sac town a champ~~
    Glad to see them in Playoff last season, just keep going KINGS!!!

  16. I had a heart attack after seeing Webber. He was so fragile and destroyed the team with his injury…they should have replaced him with a top 5 player immediately.

  17. They weren’t aggressive enough.. I remember when Bobby Jackson joined the team couple years later and said that about them

  18. This is why I hate the lakers and why I stopped watching basketball for a long time. Why would anyone want to be a fan and root for a team when the league/big market teams rig games. F* the Lakers. Kings won that series.

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