@Sabres de Buffalo

Inconduite d’Eric Robinson pour avoir embarqué Justin Barron

Saison 2023 – 2024 Canadiens de Montréal vs Sabres de Buffalo 12/9/2023 Ceci est ma deuxième chaîne qui se concentrera uniquement sur le contenu de la LNH. Ma chaîne principale est ici. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9r-o0geG0gHvboKrSxdfw


  1. He didn’t even hit him that hard.
    But he just came too far with intent to hit him.
    Boarding or charging, maybe 🤔
    But a game misconduct?!?!

    Hockey is becoming a game of wussies.
    Put them in a match between the Wings and Aves in the 90’s and 2000’s, and all of these yahoos would be on a therapy couch for years! 🛋️👩‍⚕️👎

  2. 3:54 "I just don't understand what Barron was expecting there."
    Not to be illegally plastered from behind into the boards, what a moronic call from this seemingly biased, or just idiotic commentator. Blatantly irresponsible play on Robinson's end.
    Robinson skidded in with all the time in the world, and he still committed to the hit from behind into the boards.

  3. So evander kane does this to brodin and no call at all. Sabres player does this and gets a 5 and a game. Nhl refs reminding me of nfl refs now.

  4. he hit the brakes and literally bumped his ass to ass..like torts said learn to expect and absorb hits or this happens on nothing hits

  5. I mean how is this 5min major? That guy is literally standing in the corner for five seconds with his back turned. You cant play hockey like that. What should that Buffalo player do? A circle and skate away? And the hit was not even hard. How bad really are these refs?Do they even understand hockey?Unbelieveble call

  6. Keep teaching young players to turn their backs on the play to "protect the puck" but not themselves. Robinson was practically stopped when that hit is made.

  7. That's a fundamental issue in hockey. You have to just trust guys not to knock you head first into the boards from behind (with speed), but if they decide to neglect the rules you're a sitting duck. The league would be wise to crack down on these.

  8. It wasn’t that hard of a hit. Why didn’t Baron turn and brace himself? When I played, I always turned. Sometimes I turned over the puck though.

  9. Dummy hasn't played hockey before? Why would you stare at the glass like that and not brace for the hit? These soft players seriously need to move to a rec league.

  10. Ridiculous. So you can't make ANY contact at the wall now? The contact was minor, player was not ready for any contact and his head tapped the glass. Terrible call that influenced the outcome.


    When you pretend to stand up for your teammate, but not enough to properly drop gloves… you throw gloved suckerpunches to the back of your opponents head while there's a linesman between you.

    Hockey was once referred to as a Gentleman's Game. Not Anymore!

  12. He literally slowed up in the guy was turned sideways. Maybe if these players kept their head up and stopped putting themselves in these situations, the game would be better.

  13. Red wing players have been boarded like this at least 5 times in the past 4 games and no calls

  14. Humble opinion…..it looked like the player looked up and saw him, then turned away……….

  15. League beens fucking buffalo hard this year costing them at least over 5 games, shits disturbing , fyi these hit are reviewed in game…reviewed in game and they called a 5 min major on a play that clearly wasnt even a penalty, leagues rigged just like nfl

  16. What's it going to take for the NHL to check itself. There's already been one highly publicized pro hockey death on ice this year, are they just waiting for another at an NHL game? This didn't look like a particularly vicious hit; it's just the nature of the game that is now accepted… violence between players is allowed even in inconsequential situations because intimidation apparently has taken over from skill. The poster boy is Marchand, not that he's physically intimidating, but what the league has allowed him to get away with is unconscionable.

  17. This hit; 5 and a game
    Kane on Brodin; 2min on Hartman for roughing.

    NHL needs to sort themselves out

  18. I don’t think this was suspension worthy. He eased in before he took the hit and he was also aware that the opposing player saw him coming in. When you have the puck in that end of the rink protect yourself. This game has gotten so soft it’s ridiculous. The reason it looked bad is because the canadiens player reaction was so over dramatic when it was an acceptable hit.

  19. the nhl is a joke
    this turning your back to the defensive player is ruining whats left of the game
    we were taught to never do that or we might get hurt
    this is soon to be a no touch league as bettmen wants it that way
    i wont be watching along with scores of pissed off hockey fans across canada
    why is the nhl going this route
    i thought that americans liked rough hockey they sure like the nfl
    buttman sucks

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