@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Blessure de Dylan Larkin et pénalité de match de David Perron pour intention de blesser

Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. The amount of shit that the wings have gotten from the officials this season has been something else…

  2. This is one reason I don't miss watching hockey as much. I am so tired of the NHL and their officiating. The fact they allow obviously dirty players to continue trends they've done for years and years. Ultimately allowing stuff like this really gets on my nerves.

  3. Dirty ass players! Hockey is failing. How do you allow players to stay in the game for not one but two hits to another players head/ neck area? Especially one that’s used to doing this dirty shit!

  4. Why isn’t Joseph also getting suspended? 2 times he’s done very dangerous plays to Larkin and this time he knocked him out cold last I checked that’s attempted murder

  5. Larkin's second career should be Olympic diver. a feather could knock this guy out. Not a fan of either team not just sticking up for Ottawa. Shit looks soft AF

  6. If he was able to get up, then it is not as serious as it could have been! To make out to be more then it is, is really being a whuzzz!

  7. Head shot after head shot after head shot and nothing by the POS Player Safety Department. Congrats, NHL. You suck at your job.

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