@Ligue nationale de hockey

Est-ce que cela devrait être une amende ?

Est-ce que cela devrait être une amende ?



  1. Tripped_breaker

    Fine plus suspension for boarding. Luckily he wasn’t injured.

  2. Fedbackster

    Luckily he beat the shot out of him later.

  3. marioish

    Suspension, no idea why it was reduced to 2 minutes.

  4. Can’t believe he only got 2 for that. Then turtled later.

  5. 1moosehead

    That has to be a suspension, that’s clearly defined as dangerous play

  6. soulknife20

    Cousins got his ass mollywhopped later.

  7. vilski23

    Has to be a suspension, very dangerous play that.

  8. GroundbreakingCow775

    Someone is going to get hurt badly if the league and the refs don’t protect the players. We will have another Steve Moore type incident

  9. Danroy12345

    Is this just a weekend of bad boarding plays?

    I’m honestly shocked Kane didn’t get a penalty or a suspension for his hit.

    And then mcdavid threw a brutal cross check to the back today and didn’t get called either.

  10. Spiritual_Holiday511

    Should be a suspension, and he should be forced to drop the gloves and actually fight Gudbranson, instead of turtling.

  11. Hailthezombie

    What difference does it make? A couple grand isn’t nearly as damaging to Cousins as being forever known as a massive cowardly turtle. He’ll never lose that label.

  12. Character-Chance-747

    This and Kanes hit should both be suspensions. Not the one on Barron though

  13. Rareexample

    All good. Pretty sure Gudbranson collected Cousins’ turtle taxes.

  14. Sadly Gudbranson is the one getting a hearing. Ridiculous

  15. LunarMoon2001

    Yes but the league is going to punish Gub instead.

  16. Weeble317

    Definitely dirty…but kind of amazing how quickly Gudbrandson rose from the dead

  17. Smitty2801

    Cousins is a dirty SOB. Guy turtles twice instead of answering the bell. Had the refs just protected Gudbranson by calling that hit a major + game misconduct as it should have been, we wouldn’t have ended up in this situation to begin with.

  18. Mikeyt1250

    Okay… as someone who has no allegiance to either team, at first I thought “he was trying to go shoulder to shoulder… BUT, clearly this was going to be a dangerous play…” I don’t think there was a scenario where throwing a hit was not going to be boarding. I am going to say two games seems fair for this, but won’t be surprised at the league maximum… or possibly nothing with how inconsistent Parros is.

  19. DrDeliciousD

    He abandoned a clear path to the puck to put a player head down into the boards. I know the first rules of hockey are head up stick down, but that was 100% intentional on a player who wasn’t on the puck and is totally appropriate for a suspension IMO.

  20. Australian here. As I’m unsure of the rules regarding slamming, could some please say what is allowed and what’s not allowed. Also, with the fight, i know that it’s allowed, but once someone is on the ground ain’t they meant to stop?

  21. jerrybettman

    Should have been a major and an ejection, but for some reason reduced to a minor after replay. Another cheap hit by a player following the numbers and plowing him anyway. Kane’s was the same type of hit. Followed the numbers and face planted him anyway.

    The league is simply not serious about removing these dangerous types of hits from the game. In the old days, Gudbranson jumping Cousins would have been considered a justifiable response, but now he will be punished, and Cousins will get the same treatment Kane got from the league, which is nothing.

    It’s going to take a broken neck before they do something, but considering the Larkin play, maybe that won’t be enough either. Perron will deservedly get his suspension, at least

  22. Randoman71

    Looked like he was going for a shoulder to shoulder but fudged it and made a bad hit. Seemed more of a stupid play than a intent to injure. The retaliation of punches to the back of head and neck are clearly intentional to injure the the other player. Fines for both in my opinion.

  23. Big_Bluebird8040

    what a little bitch. cheap shot then turtle. Pathetic

  24. The auto-turtle should be a fine and suspension

  25. wilfordbrimley778

    Gotta love these WWE moves in the NHL

  26. Moose701

    Well yeah, but look who determines the punishment. A fucking goon himself. Fuck George Parros.

  27. Exciting_Ad4264

    Always Cracks me up when chicken shit players turtle up when it’s time to answer the bell

  28. Often boarding is very subjective. The player shoulder checked but decided to keep his back turned? Turned while the check was already started? Check was more of a push?

    Not here. Easier call ever. This has no mitigating factors. How this isn’t 5 and a game is insane. This league is bullshit.

  29. LittleBig_1

    People wonder why there is fighting in hockey… If the refs can’t keep the game clean the enforcers will have to. Buddy should have taken his lumps after that « play »

  30. radamo96

    Suspension for the hit and a fine for turtling twice like a bitch

  31. Shiny_Mew76

    At least a Game Misconduct for Boarding.

    I’m a really big fan of physical hard hitting hockey, open ice hits and fighting, but these Cross Checks to the head and Boarding hits need to be stopped.

    So many players this season have gotten hurt from an uncalled Noarding penalty, or a blatant Cross Check to the back of the head (Dylan Larkin cough cough). It’s unsafe and makes the sport look bad.

    Boarding (with intent) should always be an immediate game misconduct for the first offense, and a fine/suspension for the next.

    Cross Checking to the head should be at least a 4 minute minor to a game misconduct and suspension depending on the circumstances.

    Also, when players go to defend the victim of one of these dirty plays, do so away from the injured player so you aren’t actively blocking the medical team from attending to the player. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be down on the ice with an injury and you have 5-10 guys on top of you when they have sharp blades on their skates.

  32. Howdoyoudo614

    CBJ will play them again and I bet they’ll try to beat Cousins ass again.

  33. stephenlipic

    Honestly if expulsion isn’t an option then at least a suspension. We’re way past the point of knowing this kind of hit can kill someone.

    The fines are meaningless other than serving as a precursor to suspension.

  34. Bighotjonson

    i think they should both get suspended tbh

  35. -The_Credible_Hulk

    Uh, yeah. Didn’t see the aftermath or the call, but that’s a major for boarding and phone call from the league, if I’m in charge. His history would ultimately decide on whether he’s suspended. No history? Probably a fine. If he already been fined, 1-3 games, if he’d already done that? Done for 42. Anything after that I’m multiplying years.

    Clean up the fucking dangerous plays and get the dangerous players out. Enough of this shit.

  36. Steezy-g35

    Judging by Kanes lack of discipline, i imagine hell get zilch

  37. beaud101

    Yes, it should be a fine and suspension. It’s this kind of « high speed » boarding that can end careers and paralyze a player. Just a massive amount of energy absorbed by the head and neck.

    I’d like to be a fly on the wall in the league offices when they try to suspend Gudbranson for throttling Cousins on the ground.

  38. That was a nasty hit. Cousins curled up like a little rat after Gudbransson gave a little back.

    But the retaliation later on… Again Cousins curled up, but what the hell was Gudbransson thinking. That beating of a curled opponent was just as dirty as that hit from behind.

    Gudbransson is going to get 3-5 game suspension with a hefty fine because of that. And the coach should also give him an earful because of him ending the chase for the win.

  39. 3rr0r369

    5k fines are a joke… they do nothing. Suspensions are the only real punishment because they lose way more money and miss games.

  40. 2ChainzTalib

    More than the boarding, I’m amazed at how quickly that escalated

  41. Relevant-Detective-7

    Who the fuck does Nazem Kadri think he is?!

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