@Red Wings de Détroit

Christian Fischer, Ben Chiarot, Derek Lalonde Commentaires d’après-match – 9 décembre contre OTT

Christian Fischer, Ben Chiarot et Derek Lalonde parlent aux médias après le match de samedi soir contre les Sénateurs d’Ottawa.


  1. The “Officials” need to be reviewed after this one!

    Hope the team can regain its focus and momentum it had before the last 2.
    11 goals allowed is not a pretty sight.

  2. Lol everybody complaining about Joseph but it was Kelly (#27) on Ottawa that knocked Larkin out. I’m a Wings fan and I don’t believe they should have given Kelly a 5 minute major. He didn’t throw a punch or use his stick as a weapon. Kelly’s glove inadvertently caught Larkin clean on the chin bc Larkin turned around so quick after getting hit by Joseph. Refs got it right this time IMO.

  3. Hey Lalonde, it takes your captain getting knocked out to play with grit? Perhaps get ahead of that next time

  4. I never thought I could dislike a team more than Toronto. Ottawa somehow succeeded them. What a bunch of dirt bag players. They play to hurt and they often do it.

  5. I think Kelly was the one who did it. You could see his body language was much more nervous during the review. To bad that puck at the end of game didn’t hit him harder.

  6. I hate Ottawa. This feels like the makings of a rivalry. I really hope Larkin is ok, that man is being put through the ringer

  7. Absolutely pathetic. Your leader gets hurt and that's the performance you show. Lalonde then proceeds to show love to the refs. Get this disgrace out of here. He is not a good coach. This game was worse than the Sharks game. Terrible performance. I need a shower after watching this.

  8. The NHL hates this franchise. They always have hated the Wings. Even when the Wings were dominant and single handily propped up the Western Conference in the 90s and 00s all the calls were against the Wings. Detroit never got away with anything and never got any favorable calls on borderline goals/penalties. It's ridiculous. This Joseph guy is the same punk who boarded Larkin a couple years ago and Detroit got the penalty for trying to get him to answer the bell.

  9. Have some fucking balls Lalonde. Stick up for your fucking guys. Also let them know that can't keep playing like this.

  10. Gutless effort. Some of these guys think they’re more valuable than they are. Mo and Chariot needed to step up.

  11. Wanna hear the bitter truth? Joseph won't get suspended for anything more than a game or two. Otherwise 2 two minute minors was correct for an unfortunate impact on Larkin. He got cold cocked and I don't hate what Perron did but go after the right dude at least. Our PK was shit again and Korpi made alot of solid key saves when Detroit couldn't respond at all in the 2nd period. This game was over before the 3rd started because they were too shorthanded and heated. Gotta let it go cuz next week is all high rank teams. Otherwise adversity is gonna kill our division standings an slump us. Cooler heads need to prevail and our depth needs to step up huge without Larks, Perron and Compher atm.

  12. I understand it's a different era and the game has advanced. If that was yzerman or Lindstrom out cold, face down I can assure you there would have been an appropriate response. Not a fight. 20 minutes later in the game. Unacceptable

  13. That was clearly a dirty punch to the face on Larkin and it looked like targeting. Joseph needs to get suspended for this. Ottawa is a dirty team and they always seem to be going after wings players. Wings players need to step up. Why is Lalonde so nonchalant about everything? This is the captain of your team.He's always defending the refs and the league with everything. Guy isn't the right coach. There's no emotion. I'm getting tired of it. Would like to see a new coaching staff.

  14. Perron is a mental midget and should be waived/released. Mental mistakes cause bad penalties, and he took only 27 seconds to get his first penalty last night. Then to attack a player who was not involved in the Dylan take down is a total brainless move. He is on last year of his contract and to say goodbye to him would be a huge plus going forward.

  15. We lost by 4 goals to them, at home, and they're a division rival.. I've tried to keep my mouth shut about the pessimism and doubts, but after tonight I 100% agree with what's been said. This Wings team will never win a Stanley cup or go far in the postseason until they grow some balls and do what it takes to win. Stand up for your captain and win the game Wings! Absolutely unacceptable

  16. Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Just play better. We’re allowing our opponent have too much puck possession time. Can’t afford that. We can’t win games if we don’t possess the puck long enough and shoot and score more. The score was 5-1 as a result.

  17. if only perron hit the right guy, at least he did something about it. joesph got off easy and kelly at least took a puck to the face hahaha

  18. When will Yzerman finally go get a goon?? Kostin was sick last night, and he’s about the closest thing Detroit has to a tough guy. It’s a joke at this point.

  19. Nah, you guys definitely didn't rally or play better after Larkin went down. You should've sent a statement and got revenge for your captain going down. Lalonde and the whole team were fucking soft. Fucking embarrassment.

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