@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Gubranson aura une audience demain selon la règle 46.2 (Agresseur) contre Cousins

Gubranson aura une audience demain selon la règle 46.2 (Agresseur) contre Cousins



  1. lelander193

    It’s a joke that Gudbranson is likely going to receive a harsher penalty for getting hit than Cousins will

  2. AlanLGuy

    I’m gonna go with 2 game suspension for Guddy. Still worth it IMO

  3. lnvalidSportsOpinion

    Get him free beer and a luxury box for the games he’ll miss. The only punishment he deserves.

  4. LostMonster0

    They’ll probably double down and give him some ridiculous length suspension for daring to question the judgement of their refs. With a few extra games as an additional « fuck you » specifically to Columbus.

  5. Striking-Reaction-43

    Absolute fucking horse shit. If the refs did their job he wouldn’t have needed to do it for them. What a fucking joke this league is sometimes.

  6. Alternative_Case_878

    A husband notices his wife’s hearing is deteriorating and decides to visit her doctor for advice. “I can’t speak to my wife directly as she might find it offensive, given our old age” he says to the doc.

    “There’s a simple trick you can try to determine her hearing” explains the doctor. “Simply ask her a question at a distance and if she doesn’t hear you, move slightly closer and ask again until she does”.

    That night, the husband arrives home and sees his wife in the kitchen cooking. He thinks to himself, “what a perfect opportunity to test her hearing”.

    He stands in the doorway of the kitchen and promptly asks;

    “What’s for dinner honey?”

    No answer. He moves closer.

    “What’s for dinner honey?”

    Still no answer. He moves even closer.

    “What’s for dinner honey?”

    Still his wife doesn’t answer. He now sees how serious her hearing problem is. At this point, he is stood right next to his wife.

    “What’s for dinner honey?”


  7. Pytherex

    The league is seriously a joke for player safety, at times it feels like they want to « shift » away from the 90’s 80’s era hockey (OR do they really lol?) and then they fail to protect players, which is still enforcing the old era hockey, it’s why you still get scraps and beatdowns because if the refs won’t protect the players, they have to do something so another player understands what’ll happen when they do incredibly dangerous shit.

    I saw that board from Robinson on Buffalo the other day, and it was a bad hit, no doubt, but how that can get a multi game suspension (5 games I think) and Cousins got absolutely nothing when he lifted his elbow up into the hit into Gudbranson.

    Zero fucking sense.

  8. jakeyeah111

    my only complaint is that he didn’t hurt cousins more

  9. redditistreason

    Fuck Gary Bettman forever and ever.

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