@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Nick Cousins ​​HAMMERS Erik Gudbranson, Gudbranson n’aime pas ça et le chaos éclate

Erik Gudbranson a été touché par derrière par Nick Cousins, tombe et tente de lancer les coups de poing en réponse.


  1. I love how Gudbranson tried to act hurt then when the whistle blew he went after cousins. If that is not embellishment then I don’t know what is

  2. I wonder if an NHL announcer like this ever got called as a witness in a criminal case, if his testimony could be thrown based on footage like this….clearly they have no judgement. just a weird thought as I listen to this idiot ramble on about this being Gudbranson's fault.

  3. Ok yeah that hit was nasty… he was a foot from the boards. And went face first into the wood. I get why Gundbranson is pissed.

  4. He didn't only hit him from behind, he laid into him. It's the clearest example of a boarding call/ hit from behind you'll ever see. "bUt It LoOkED ClEaN tO mE"

  5. That's boarding. And you get your face punched for it. This is why there's fighting in hockey. Players need a reason to not be dirty, and getting your eye's shut is the reason. Penalties aren't enough. The homer announcers have to stick up for the Panthers but this is clean cut boarding. Gubrandson will take the susupension with a smile

  6. The moron refs blew the opportunity to get control of this game. 2 minutes for that? Despite what these idiot announcers claimed, this hit was everything but clean. Brutal hit — deserved a game misconduct. But Cousins F'ed around and acted like a coward and found out later when he was grabbed and pounded down. If the refs aren't going to police the game, the players are. And if players are going to run around and then not man-up for their actions, they are gonna take a beating.

  7. OMG is the announcer guy mentally impaired WTF there is no way i can be that stupid for your opinion to be relevant NHL is fixed

  8. Haha. The guy says it looked clean to me , Haha. Inbreeding Americans, shit he still thinks trump won.

  9. The tkatchuk brothers are just a blight on hockey. Florida pulls the same dirty dangerous shit as Ottawa. Goon city.

    And these announcers are trash. But thats hockey in Florida for you.

  10. If you argue about this being a good play your brain is certainly just a puddle of liquid

  11. jesus these announcers are fucking clowns oh my god how can you listen to this. I thought our guys were bad. These guys are as unprofessional as it gets. total hacks. what a disgrace. should be cleaning the rink not commenting on anything.

  12. What a couple of Florida homer announcers! "Hit from the side"…what a joke!

  13. Typical refs not doing their job. Cousens should have been ejected for that nasty cheap hit from behind. The refs wouldn't police the game so Gudbranson had to, now he will get suspended for doing the right thing.

  14. The way he got up to fight back that is not a 5 major lol keep your head up maybe he saw him coming

  15. Yeah of course the homer announcers on Bally say it was a clean hit. F off, WTF hit were you watching in which galaxy? Bally announcers – and I mean ALL of Bally's announcers are shit. Absolute shit, and should find another career path.

  16. Gudbranson is the loser and dumbass in this story:
    1. Bruised hands from punching a helmet
    2. Bleedy nose
    3. Probably a fine or suspension
    4. Lost respect around the league for faking an injury to draw a major
    5. Cousins gets away without a scratch or fine, and a minor penalty

  17. That's the Mattew Tkachuk effect. Through a dirty hit and then assume the fetal position. Stay classy and proud pussycats.

  18. The commentators say it was a clean hit ha ha. Big joke. If he had stayed down on the ice, it would have been 5 min and game. Now he stood up and they ref gave him two minutes. Not a chance it's two minutes. Ref should be suspended for that poor call.

  19. "He did see him there!" So ya, I guess because you glanced at the checker, its ok to get your face smashed into the boards, Cousins literally hitting him shoulder to NAMEPLATE and NUMBERS! Home show announcers know who signs their checks, but holy hell do they sound like the absolute dumbest people on the face of the earth.

  20. 1:13 "Just you wait… Just you wait you F*** " LOL @ the forshadowing. That was a dirty hit and I don't really feel bad for cousins getting his karma served.

  21. Dirty hit by cousins, he deserved even worse than what he got… “looked clean to me…” Announcer needs to count his chromosomes, seems he’s got an extra one.

  22. Honestly these announcers are fucking BAD. "If Gudbranson had turned his shoulder" is such a dumb ass take. a puck chipped in like that means a D man has to go back there and retrieve it or try and make a play on the puck. He can't avoid putting himself in a bad spot on this exact type of play. This is a perfect example of the original penalty not being called properly and the player having to respond and the responding player is the one who will get suspended. But this hit is fucked. If this was Gudbranson burying Cousins it would have been an ejection. Smaller forward burying a big tough d man = 2 minutes.

  23. Boarding, and Cousins left his feet. 5 + game is the only acceptable call here. But of course the refs are incompetent as usual.

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