@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Je n’ai jamais vu un penalty comme celui-ci

Ce soir, alors que les Sénateurs d’Ottawa recevaient les Hurricanes de la Caroline, nous avons assisté à un tir de pénalité comme je n’en avais jamais vu auparavant. Brady Tkachuk affronte Piotr Kochetkov. Si ces gars ont quelque chose en commun, c’est qu’ils sont tous les deux un peu déséquilibrés, alors qu’est-ce qui pourrait bien se passer ? Kochetkov a effectué un plongeon sur le tir de pénalité qui a envoyé Tkachuk voler dans la bande et il n’était PAS content. Les deux se sont affrontés mais les arbitres se sont mis en travers du chemin et à la fin, un tir de pénalité a entraîné une faute professionnelle de 10 minutes pour Brady dans une séquence sauvage ! Je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #carolinahurricanes #ottawasenators


  1. Imagine having a family name where most people instantly think of you as a hotheaded jerk player…

  2. I really didn't understand why people were so upset with Tkachuk about his reaction.

    I get why Kochetkov went for the poke, he managed to neutralize the penalty shot. But still, it's incredibly dangerous for both players to make that play, Kochetkov could get a skate, shin, or knee to the head and/or neck, and Tkachuk could have seriously injured himself trying to not maim Kochetkov.

  3. Kochetkov is now my favorite goalie, playing some old-school style with the stacked pads saves and coming out to challenge the shooter!

  4. Pretty clear that the poke was for the skates, not the puck. The puck was eight feet the other way. He looks at the skates, ignores the puck, and goes right after the skate.

    Nothing a goalie at this level does with his stick is an accident, including "accidently dropping" his stick across the mouth of the goal.

  5. Petya made a great play. . .well done and can't stand the Tkachuks – too bad Avery isn't around to rile them up

  6. Lots of people commenting on the rules of a penalty shot that clearly don't know the rules of the penalty shot. Maybe have a read before popping off …

  7. I don't like Brady Tkachuk's notorious bullying show, but in this case he was completely right. The russian clearly tripped him, instead of poke checking. Another penalty and a minor should have been called. Also, Tkachuk got almost injured.

  8. I'm hoping this game starts the turnaround. They've been in a sweious slimp as of late and they need some rebound wins to build up their identity and confidence.

  9. Think about it as you watch the replay: Tkachuk telegraphed his intention to head deke left (so obviously a deke) and then go forehand backhand around the goalie to the right and tap it into the open net. Kochetkov knew what was coming and attempted to block the expected path of the puck on the forehand to backhand move. Tkachuk had his legs spread so wide that it was inevitable that he would skate over the goal stick. And he was looking at the puck or he would have reacted sooner.

    The goalie has the right to try to block the expected path of the puck on a scoring play (whether a two on one, or a solo breakaway, and that is exactly what he did. It was a brilliant goaltending play IMO. Tkachuk was mad that his “slick” move was anticipated and countered. So he WAS going for the puck—where he expected Tkachuk would move the puck to. If Tkachuk was really smart, he’d have jumped two inches over the stick and made Kochetkov look silly lying way outside. But Tkachuk is no Mario Lemieux, so…

  10. Kotchetkov want "unhinged ' Brady upchuck got butthurt and acted like the big baby he isthe Seniles got smoked.

  11. That wasn't a poke check. It was a trip. He contacted only Tkachuk's feet, not the puck. We've all seen many attempted poke checks that missed the puck and resulted in tripping calls. In this case, I don't even think Kochetkov tried to touch the puck first. I think it was a deliberate trip. Tkachuk was carrying the puck on his left side, and Kochetkov took out his right foot first, then his left foot, and never came close to touching the puck with his stick.

  12. A lot of people are saying that Kochetkov was for sure aiming for Tkachuks skate instead of the the puck, but it think its far more likely that he was aiming for where he thought the puck was going to be.

    If Brady had his head up and saw Kochetkov coming out that far, the natural response would be to try to swing the puck to Kochetkovs left and try to get it around him to an open net. Unfortunately Brady didnt have his head up and didnt see him out that far and so didnt try to move the puck around him, thus making the poke check connect with his skate.

    Whether or not it should have been a penalty or a re-do im not sure, but i just dont think Kochetkovs intention was to purposefully trip Tkachuk

  13. So now we have to train every golie to trip instead of poke check. No reason to touch the puck. Totally bad call. He is not even going for the puck. He takes Bradys right foot out without touching the puck. How is that hockey! NHL loos like shit and the refs just as bad.

  14. Don’t want to be Carolina’s net on March 17th. If the league isn’t going to police this behaviour, the players sure will.

  15. I do remember goalies doing that a lot in the 70s and 80s. Skaters who could handle the puck with their head up just went around them. Something to practice there Tkachuk.

  16. Looked like he was anticipating Brady going to the backhand…aggressive move that could have backfired…would he have reacted same if it was a breakaway during play…?

  17. Who cares if he went for their skates. Then they shouldn't dance around with the puck until 1 ft from the net on a penalty shot. This goalie is awesome

  18. i really like kochetkov, he reminds me of ron hextall! its refreshing seeing someone like him in the nhl

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