@Blues de Saint-Louis

Conférence de presse : Doug Armstrong sur le changement en tant qu’entraîneur

Le directeur général des Blues de St. Louis, Doug Armstrong, rencontre les médias pour discuter de la relève de Craig Berube de ses fonctions d’entraîneur-chef et de l’embauche de Drew Bannister comme entraîneur-chef par intérim. La conférence de presse débutera vers 10h30


  1. This Dbag should be fired not the coach that brought us out only CUP not this chode that has no clue how put a team together and hold it, GET A NEW GM BRING BACK OUR COACH!!!

  2. Can Armstrong find his replacement also??? This is his roster he is responsible for this as he said . Time to go

  3. Armstrong needs to go. He's the one that gave us these crap pieces Chief was working with.

  4. Doug Armstrong has made good moves in the past but after the cup run he just made bad after bad mistake he gave huge contracts to players that aren’t gonna pan out schen krug binnington

  5. As if Doug Armstrong was going to fire himself. He hired Craig Berube and the St. Louis Blues won the Stanley Cup in 2019. That bought him leeway he would otherwise not have had. There are two ways this can go:

    1). The St. Louis Blues turn things around and qualify for the Stanley Cup playoffs. Armstrong removes the interim tag from Bannister and makes him the head coach.

    2). Things don't improve and the St. Louis Blues fail to qualify for the Stanley Cup playoffs. Armstrong is fired as GM and the rebuild starts.

    D.J. Smith is the next coach to receive a pink slip in my opinion.

  6. You Armstrong bashers better be careful. There is a reason he ie always up for the GM for all these Olympics, Team Canada. You could have someone like Mozeliak……. At least Armstrong makes changes and doesn’t lie to the team or fans. He doesn’t wait around. You have to appreciate that.

  7. This is why he's the BEST GM in Blueballers history! He hired a coach to win our only SC, then has the kahonas to realize, hey, he's seeing a consistent downward trend of poor play (including last year) by those who aren't 'buying in' to the coach that he had to fire! CB, to me, spent too much time belching and farting while answering questions after lackluster play of players who figured if he didn't care, why should they? Wish CB the best and thanks!

  8. Davidson is trash and he has decimated this team while keeping all the fat. Please quit your job sir you are a disgrace

  9. So the coach wasn’t the problem but I fired him anyway because the poor roster that I (Armstrong) put together is weak minded and lacks the ability to be ready to play a full 60 every game. He’s completely delusional.

  10. Don‘t like the dismiss of Chief. A GM who has Hayes as the major aquisition of the summer, no real Defensmen and let the guys like Barby leave, should think about himself…

  11. Now Kyrou can just skate around and just shoot and not play defense…this is going to be fun. thanks Armstrong on destroying this team like you did in Dallas.

  12. Should have fired Army and sent the whole team down to Springfield for a game to shake them up

  13. The problem is Doug Armstrong this team is in shambles bc of so many bad contracts the team Army has put together is not good that’s on him not Berube

  14. Doug you are the only person who should have been fired. If you feel personally responsible you don't go firing your only cup winning coach. You've dismantled the cup team completely. This is 100% on you.

  15. Wow “TK is one of the hardest workers on the ice” what a joke of a comment … DA steps all over his own words through out this entire pc !

  16. Please, PLEASE, dump the Kyrou contract! One of the worst in STL sports history…it's up there with Dexter Fowler, Mike Leake, Sam Bradford, etc.

  17. He needs to look in the mirror. When you sign basically untested players (thomas, kyrou) to big contracts, and fail to deal nearly worthless #55 to someone else, you need to go.

  18. The problem is Armstrong giving these no trade clause to four horrible defenseman. The problem is he should have ponied up for Petro, and signed some lower paid defenseman to play with him. Instead we have four defenseman making 6 million each, no trade clauses and stuck in the mud. You can trade them, you can bring in new guys because your dead to the salary cap. Thanks Brad!

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