@Islanders de New York

Les Islanders et les Bruins échangent des poignées de main après une série de six matchs

Les Islanders de New York et les Bruins de Boston se serrent la main après leur série de six matchs au cours de laquelle les Islanders ont pris la marque 4-2 pour passer au tour suivant.


  1. Damn Boston really deserved game 5 this was tough to watch thought they’d push to 7 for sure

  2. Congratulations Islanders and their fans, man the Isles played really well and their goalie was exceptional. Best of Luck in the rest of the playoffs.

  3. Once again an overrated Bruins team knocked out, this time by my mighty Islanders…Bye Bye whine ass Boston fans !!

  4. Бостон без Здено Хара ослаб в обороне и здулся . ПОЗОР менеджеров и руководству, выгнали заслуженного мастера
    Столько лет отдал команде и вот как только стало возможно его выкинули как старый хлам. А он ещё надёжнее и мудрей тех защитников, которые сегодня обосралась. Сегодня Бостон на медведя не похож скорее шакалы . Забивают только когда их больше а в равных составе боятся

  5. The Bruins are my team, but holy moly since the Cup in 2011 all they do is lose series they have no business losing. This Isles team is arguably the worst team/roster in playoffs. This was a joke

  6. As a long time Devils fan it's hard to not want the Isles to take it all. Glad to see guys like Zajac, Palms and Greene in the postseason contributing and being 2 steps away from a Cup 😊 I bet Tavares wishes he was still an Islander right about now lol and while the Isles are a NY team, they aren't the Rangers so that's all I gotta say!

  7. Sounded like an English soccer game in that building. I'm convinced Boston had no chance to win.that game from the beginning.

  8. This was all Rask's fault! Oops I'm not on radio in Boston I guess I can look at this objectively: The Islanders had more depth and the loss of Carlo robbed the Bs of their defensive neutralizer.

  9. I am cheering for the Islanders next series. Lost my friend to cancer in April 2010. He was a huge fan. I will be cheering for them in his memory.

  10. Bruins lost because:
    – only 1 line scored (Pasta-March-Berg)
    – Taylor Hall did not play as expected
    – Rask was not so good as in regular
    – too many stupid penalties

  11. Why is this broadcaster always talking about losing when teams hand shake. It feels F’n Great for the winning team.

  12. Varlamov is so underrated. He stood on his head and fixed whatever was wrong in the first series. Congrats from a Bruins fan

  13. I have been an Islanders fan since they were founded in 1972 and am as happy as can be. But I must say this: Brad Marchand has the biggest heart in the league and if he played for the Islanders I would love him.

  14. the NHL need the Islander fan money. It dropped off after the move to Brooklyn, and the risk of moving into a new arena has the NHL worried hence the refs leaning their way. Cassidy fined 25K for telling the truth, Trots not caring as long as it benefits him. The NHL will never rise to the level of MLB, NBA or NFL, always the joke

  15. Barry Trotz, what a coach. He is responsible for his team advancing as much as the players if not more.
    Alex Ovechkin owes him forever for his cup. In fact, had the Capitals managed to keep him in the fold, they might have had another and been in the mix this year instead of playing golf

  16. as an Oilers fan I wanted to see the exchange between Eberle and Hall but they didn’t show it 😭 don’t even think it was mentioned once that they were teammates for 7 years

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